
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-13: Japanese shame! If you are doing the same thing as Japan, even the United States, Britain, Germany, France it is crazy.

<Public mail>
Governing under the law is just mouth. It is natural that terrorism has occurred.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
President Donald Trumph suffers from illegal entry immigration measures.
The Japanese government has made foreigners who are legally i
n Japan arbitrarily turned out to be criminals and to leave the country.

Does the United States arrest and make a criminal penalty
when regular genuine immigrants do work outside the status of residence?
At that time, does the United States criminalize only foreigners?
Does the US criminalize employers who worked "foreigners who are not eligible to work"?

I think that for the regular immigrant labor,
the United States will not criminalize for reasons of simple labor!

Even for immigrants in the smuggling country,
I am amazed that I do not arrest them.
In Japan, illegal entry (smuggling country) is a felony.

Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister is also indifferent to the case in Japan.
I think that the UK is doing the same thing as Japan.

Angela Merkel German Federal Prime Minister is also indifferent to Japan's affair.
I think that Germany is doing the same thing as Japan.

Emmanuel Micron French President also is indifferent to the case in Japan.
I think that France is doing the same thing as Japan.

So if you are talking about EU immigration issues, it is crazy.

It is natural that terrorism has occurred. You are ignoring international law!

Japan is a policy not to accept simple workers.
However, Japan accepts many immigrant workers as "international student"
and "trainee etc".

Since Japan is a policy not to accept refugees,
foreigners enter the country with regular visas and apply as disguise "refugees".

Foreigners can work as workers while applying.
A lot of foreigners (disguised refugees) who heard this visit Japan
and "immigration administration" is a panic.

Great trump president! Please discuss the immigration and refugee problems
in Japan with G7.

The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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