
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-21:Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan". Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light, if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke! This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-06-21:Japanese shame!
This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".
Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light,
if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke!
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee.

It is the continuation of the previous day.

Kobe Steel said on Wednesday that the shipping destination increased to 500 companies.
In this case,
the company's market capitalization disappeared
about 1.8 billion dollars (about 200 billion yen) this week.

But in the last 6 years there have been at least six major Japanese companies
that recognized fraud and scandals,
so why are such things going on and institutional problems in Japan? My voice is rising.

"Means of handwriting"
Experts point out that the slowing of economic growth
that lasts for a long time since the 1990s is a major factor.
Due to this slowing down,
Japanese companies are forced to change business models,
which seems to be causing such problems.

"Large enterprises used to be in stable and predictable growth markets once,
but as the situation changed, some companies may have appealed to a way of omission,"
in Tokyo Mr. Takashi Okubo, Chief and Economist, President of Japan Macro Advisors,
an independent research firm with a base.

The old Japanese had 'justice'.
Even if I surrender unconditionally I did not hate the United States or the Allies.
Even if a nuclear bomb is dropped,
I think that the cause is in Japan.

There is no justice for Japanese now.
Even if it is bad it will be right if everyone can do it.

People like myself who ruled under the law put them in prison.
It is the same as North Korea. Continue.

Let's stop bad jokes. Please make Japan a country governed under the law.
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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