
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-22: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail>
Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light,
if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke!
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee.

It is yesterday's continuation.

Hiroya Kawasaki, president of Kobe Steel, apologized as saying,
"I incurred a great inconvenience" on 13th this month

Until 20 years ago, Japanese companies were focusing on growth strategies.
However, in Japan, I realized that such strong economic growth can no longer be hoped for,
and companies have had to proceed with reconstruction,
cost reduction, rationalization to the limit.

Fujitsu Research Institute's senior chief scientist Martin Schulz told the BBC
that there are companies struggling to "adapt to the rules of new competition"
in such a painful adjustment.

From the attitude of seeking to improve efficiency,
the management is desperate to show good results,
and sometimes it has gone to where we examine the limits of quality control,
Mr. Schulz explains.

In addition, it is said that core employees and managers are driven to the limit,
and some cases lead to overwork and fraud.

However, because Japanese companies need to develop new markets abroad to boost their profits,
another issue for Japanese companies is also taking place mainly at overseas branches.

This article will continue in next week,
the original article of this article is the following reporter.
Ashley · Giem reporter, October 17, 2017, BBC News (Singapore)
"What is happening with Japan Inc?"

I am e-mailing my affairs to the Federation of Economic Organizations.
And major labor unions everyday. But they are ignoring.

Please look at China. Competitiveness is outstanding
because it does not respect governance and human rights under the law even more than Japan.

Also, since China is a dictatorship country,
its competitiveness is even stronger than Japan.

Let's stop bad jokes. Please make Japan a country governed under the law.
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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