
Thanks for human rights 【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-18】 June 17, 2018 I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we pause to recognize the extraordinary men that we call dad. The blessings of fatherhood are incredibly rewarding. From showing children the importance of hard work and respect, to teaching them how to throw a baseball and ride a bike, a father’s love and dedication is instrumental in helping our sons and daughters reach their full potential.
As we celebrate today, we also pause and thank all of the fathers in our Armed Forces who are unable to be with their families and loved ones. Their courage, strength, and sacrifice are an inspiration to us all.
Thank you again for your email. Today, I encourage all Americans to take time to show gratitude to their fathers and to thank them for all they do to strengthen and enrich our Nation’s families and communities.

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Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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