
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-26】 President Trump Tells Veterans He Will ‘Stand Up for America’

We don’t apologize for America anymore. We stand up for America. We stand up for the patriots who defend America,” President Donald J. Trump said today at the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention. “And we stand up for our national anthem,” the President added to a “thundering ovation.”
The President also touted reforms to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and “praised newly minted VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, who was in attendance one day after being confirmed by the Senate,” Jordan Fabian reports.
Thanks to the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies, the U.S. economy is booming,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes in The Dallas Morning News. “If we could more effectively build workers’ skills and bring more nonworking Americans off the sidelines, our economic future could be even brighter.”
In USA Today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warns Iran and China to end their religious persecution. “We need to hear the stories of those persecuted, tortured, falsely imprisoned, and killed for their faith,” he writes. “We can honor their sacrifices by preventing these atrocities from happening again.”
Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James write in Fox News. “In every single congressional district, taxpayers are seeing a tax cut.”
In The Daily Caller, Paris Dennard writes that “the Senate must move quickly — put aside partisanship, do its job and confirm a stellar nominee, committed husband, father, mentor and servant leader to the Supreme Court: Judge Brett Kavanaugh.” 
First Lady Melania Trump is advancing her mission to help America's children ‘Be Best,’” Jennifer Wishon reports in CBN News. Today, the First Lady “visited patients in an intensive care unit in Nashville, Tennessee, being treated for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) . . . a treatment necessary when babies are born to moms addicted to opioids.”
The US plans to remain the global leader for interoperable defence systems, partnering with allies and friends to develop cutting-edge military capabilities and then exporting them,” National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro writes in Financial Times. “The administration believes that responsibly expanding defence exports will strengthen the US’s manufacturing and defence industrial base, while strengthening partnership opportunities with allies.” 
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