
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-07-06: We should stop human rights abuses of "socialist market economy country / China". Competition in the market of "socialism" versus "democracy" is the competition of "national" vs. "private company". It is not an equal competition under a democratic market economy.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
We must stop human rights abuses against the people of "socialist market economic state China".
For that, it is to stop contributing to wealth to China.

Last year, the EU statement in the United Nations criticizing China's human rights abuses was
for the first time dismissed in opposition to Greece. Although it is necessary
for all 28 EU member countries to agree in the statement announcement,
it was a blow to the EU seeking to abolish the freedom of speech and death penalty
for each country by raising human rights defense by not being able to summarize the statement.

Greek foreign minister expressed his opposition as a statement "criticism of non-constructive China".
China is investing heavily in infrastructure in European countries
with severe economic conditions such as Greece, Hungary, Croatia and Portugal.

In particular, in the case of Greece,
"WSJ" points out that the economic support of China is indispensable,
as it is required by the international creditors as austerity finance,
it has led to the action of stopping the statement this time,
"poor It shows a view that investment in countries has won the critical criticism
against human rights problems.

Reuters stated that the incident also emphasized the awkward relationship between the EU and China.
The EU welcomes China as a partner for fighting the Trump regime
on climate change and protection tradeism. However,
Reuters points out that as China's business tie-ups strengthen,
China's opinion on Chinese supporters against human rights lawyers
and activists has become more difficult to state quietly.

In case
Criticism of China is difficult for countries like Greece
and countries receiving economic assistance from China.
Also, the EU itself, deepening the connection
with trade etc., has to take a prudent attitude to criticize fear of deterioration of relations.

The rise of China that exactly buys influence
by money is plaguing the countries leading the democracy.

I think that Reuters and WSJ point out correctly.

We have to shift China from "socialist market economy" to "democratic market economy".

Transactions with China are the same as supporting dealing with human rights violations.
Let 's stop contributing to China.
Let's request the transition from China to a democratic country.

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are
already threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law". The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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