
Thanks for human rights 【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-07-25】 President Trump Holds “Made in America” Event at White House

President Trump held the second ‘Made in America’ event at the White House on Monday. The event, which was designed to celebrate the administration's economic policies, showcased products from each of the 50 states,” CBS News reports. President Trump said the event was part of “a great economic revival in the United States.”
The more we make things in America, the stronger America becomes,” the President added.
In The Post and Courier, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta writes that President Trump is reinvesting in the American workforce with his new National Council for the American Worker. “We need a national commitment to embrace the rapidly, ever-changing job demands to reskill and upskill our workforce,” Secretary Acosta explains. 
In the Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard reports that “all 425 congressional districts have benefitted from tax cuts President Trump signed into law in December, with the potential payoff for a family of four reaching $44,697,” according to a new Heritage Foundation analysis.
The old cliché about turning around a battleship is true. It doesn't happen quickly. But something is happening at the United Nations that proves that changing course is possible,” write U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, Senior Adviser to the President Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt in CNN.
In The Daily Signal, Dominic Bayer and Thomas Jipping write that Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s past speeches “show that he fits squarely into the category of an impartial judge who tries to stay within the defined and limited role that judges were designed to have.” They conclude that “this is the kind of judge America needs.”
Washington Democrats seem to have a hard time accepting that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is working. At just over six months old, the facts are mounting against them,” Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) writes in the Washington Examiner. “The best part of it all? The best is yet to come.” 
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2025-03-11:لذلك أقترح نموذج عمل يستفيد من المهاجرين غير الشرعيين واللاجئين من البلدان النامية. سيتم قبولهم كمهاجرين مؤقتين في "مناطقهم الخاصة" وتشغيلهم كعمال بأجور منخفضة.

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