economy has come roaring back to life under President
Donald J. Trump. This high-energy growth presents both a
challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is that companies
must find more workers to fill a growing number of open jobs.
The opportunity is that with the right training, American
workers will have the chance to move into better jobs with
bigger paychecks.
new national movement began by asking companies and
trade groups to sign a Pledge to America’s Workers.
Yesterday, 23 organizations were the first to sign that pledge,
committing to 3,817,700
new opportunities for our country’s great workforce.
Trump promised to make Government work for ordinary
Americans, and support for workforce training is key to that
vision. “These great companies . . . are affirming their
commitment to train American workers for American jobs,” the
President said.
new Executive Order also establishes the National
Council for the American Worker, which will develop a national
strategy for workforce development. Unlike piling burdensome
regulations on employers, the Council’s focus on transparency
will actually help the economy, allowing students and
workers to make informed decisions about their careers.
Kavanaugh, as seen by his students
evaluations of professors by their students can be
caustic or catty. But they are also unfailingly candid,” Adam
Liptak of The New York Times writes. “Over the last
decade, about 350 law students at Harvard, Yale and Georgetown
expressed views on classes offered by Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh,
President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.”
verdict? “With rare exceptions, they praised his
mastery of legal materials, intellectual rigor, fair-mindedness
and accessibility,” Liptak writes.
quotes from his students speak for themselves:
“Kavanaugh is the
best professor I have had in law school.”
“Judge Kavanaugh’s
presentation seemed very evenhanded.”
“I honestly believe
I took a class that was instructed by a future Supreme Court
Photo of
the Day
White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
Donald J. Trump signs an executive order during the Pledge to
America’s Workers event | July 19, 2018
● Here,
many foreigners are victims. You are a #MeToo
victim too.
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