
Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version August 25, 2018: NO 1: Inmate named a toy soldier

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear sirs. I will introduce Japanese prison from this week.
Please know the "criminal penalty" in Japan.
This story is my actual experience. "Imprisonment" is "punish people,
criminal punishment". It differs from the West.
I obeyed the law. But why was I being imprisoned in prison?

Chapter 1, a prisoner named a toy soldier.

Inmate named "Toy soldier".

Do you know "Monkey person" named "prison officer"
who lives in the "planet of the monkey" named prison?
And do you know the "life" of a toy soldier?

Do not you want to know? Please do know.
You should know. And you should participate in prison reform.

1, 2, 1, 2. "Shout" of the "Monkey person" who ate a meal at full, reverberates heavily.

Another Monkey person manipulates a toy soldier with "Whitchi Nichwich Nii"
and "shout" out of tempo.
Toy soldiers straighten their arms straight and straighten their hands
and raise their feet,
"Human bones" proceeding forward with "Bipedal walking" taking a Condition
with a voice saying "three four" is.

"Unreasonable" refers to the life of a "toy soldier".

The voice of "Monkey person" with "5 minutes ago" echoes.
The toy soldier stops exercising and gathers at the meeting place.

"Monkey person": "What are you doing?"
Soldier: "I still have time" Foot stepping "."
"Monkey person": "What!" Time of exercise "has ended"
Soldier: "Is not it permitted to do" Foot stepping "?"
"Monkey person": "Oh, do you say" that kind of thing "? "Remember!"

The soldier did "Back answer" to "Monkey person",
so he returned to the factory
and was handed over to the police named "Syogu" for another reason.
And he never returned to this factory.

"Back answer" to "Monkey person" is not permitted for "toy soldier".

"Life" in prison is full of "unreasonable" things.
"Toy soldiers" has no choice but to "endure".

I will continue on next week.

Let's eliminate "terror crime" from the world! To that end,
the world must be "governed under the law." Help me!
There are many victims around the world. Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!

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