
Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: August 12, 2018: Developed countries should make modern "colonies" or "evacuation areas" in countries where economic refugees occur. The purpose is to give jobs so as not to generate economic refugees.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version: August 12, 2018: Developed countries should make modern "colonies"
or "evacuation areas" in countries where economic refugees occur.
The purpose is to give jobs so as not to generate economic refugees.

In industrialized countries,
the people will not allow the country to accept "economic refugees" any more.
However, in order to live, "economic refugees" will "infuse" advanced nations looking
for the "foundation" of their lives.

Living in developed countries is "human desire".
Just repelling economic refugees will not solve the economic refugee problem.
So, we should make a "special region" in the country where the economic refugees occur or
in the neighboring countries, make them live,
work in the factory, pay the salary, and support the minimum cultural life .

For the United States, I propose to create "special areas" in the United States.
, countries with narrow national land such
as Europe are difficult to create "special areas" in their own country.

Therefore, we propose "to create the modern colonies," the evacuation area
of the modern version "as" a special area "in the country
where the economic refugees occurred and neighboring countries.

"Special region" is managed jointly by one country or several countries.
(Contributed country)
And we will build a factory in "special area".

Products manufactured by "special area" factories do not compete with industrial workers
in the investing country.
"Labor intensive type" products,
such as clothing, miscellaneous goods,
and assembly of electronic parts, will be the center.

These products will compete with products manufactured by Chinese factories.
Many factory workers are "economic refugees".
Since it will not be manufactured by "economic refugees" alone,
please dispatch skill instruction instructors from the investment country to the factory.

Products to be manufactured at the factory will be determined by the investment country.
Products imported in your country or products complementing your country's products.
We also need our own developed products for developed countries.
I think competing with China definitely.
I think developed countries have already finished the period of "special handling" of China.
I think that it is an obligation of developed countries to contribute
to the economic development of the developed countries of the region such as Africa.

Let us educate freedom and democracy based on "special areas".

Japan ignores international law under the "immigration system" operation.
Help me! There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC". The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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