
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-16】

The White House • August 15, 2018

Ivanka Trump in Steel Country

Throughout the past month, President Donald J. Trump’s Pledge to America’s Workers has been earning commitments from companies in every corner of the country. Ivanka Trump has helped lead the charge, visiting factories, schools, and training facilities in Illinois, Iowa, and elsewhere—often at the President’s side.
In Pittsburgh yesterday, Ms. Trump met the Girls of Steel robotics team and saw the Peregrine, a new lunar lander that will return America to the Moon. Last week in Illinois, she laid out the Administration’s plan of action.
Right now, we come second to Mexico in—not just the public, but—the private sector’s investment in American workers after the age of 22,” she told students and local leaders in Godfrey, Illinois. “So we’ve called upon the private sector to partner with us and to sign, what we call, our Pledge to America’s Workers.” More than 4.2 million new opportunities have been created from the Pledge to date.
Preparing America’s workers for both the jobs of today and tomorrow is a top priority for President Trump. That’s why the Administration, in particular Ivanka, recently helped secure passage of the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which authorizes more than $1 billion in funding for workforce development programs.

Bringing home every lost American soldier

Kelly McKeague, Director of the Defense POW and MIA Accounting Agency, addressed reporters at yesterday’s White House press briefing on the Trump Administration’s effort to bring home American heroes who have been lost at war.
This month’s homecoming of the remains of Korean War veterans was “a poignant manifestation of the commitments secured by President Trump and pledged by Chairman Kim at the Singapore Summit,” Director McKeague said. “For the families of the 7,700 still unaccounted for from the Korean War, this first step in fulfilling this commitment has undoubtedly provided a seed of hope.”
The Administration is keeping in close touch with these families. Last week, more than 700 such family members gathered in Arlington, Virginia, to receive updates from the government. “They were resoundingly appreciative of the successful advocacy of the President,” Director McKeague said.

Photo of the Day


Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian

President Donald J. Trump is presented a U.S. flag by Kelly McKeague, director of the Defense Department POW/MIA accounting agency, during an update on the identification of remains returned by North Korea of missing U.S. troops killed during the Korean War | August 14, 2018  

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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