
【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-24】Thanks for human rights

The White House • August 23, 2018

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump will participate in a roundtable on the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act, which will both protect national security and preserve America’s longstanding policy of open investment.

First Air Force Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War

Yesterday, President Trump presented the Medal of Honor to a fallen hero, Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman of the United States Air Force, who died serving in Afghanistan 16 years ago. Sergeant Chapman is the first member of the U.S. Air Force to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War.
On March 4, 2002, on Takur Ghar mountain in Afghanistan, Sergeant Chapman’s aircraft came under heavy enemy fire and was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. One teammate was ejected from the aircraft, and the crippled helicopter crash landed in the valley below. Sergeant Chapman and the remaining joint special operations team members voluntarily returned to the snow-capped mountain—into the heart of a known enemy stronghold—in an attempt to rescue their stranded teammate.
Sergeant Chapman charged into enemy fire through harrowing conditions, seized an enemy bunker, and killed its enemy occupants. Despite severe wounds, he continued to fight relentlessly, sustaining a violent engagement with multiple enemy personnel before paying the ultimate sacrifice. Sergeant Chapman’s heroic actions, at the cost of his life, are credited with saving the lives of his teammates.
Our nation is rich with blessings,” President Trump said yesterday. “But our greatest blessings of all are the patriots like John.”

Vice President to update on America in space

Vice President Mike Pence will visit NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston today, where he will update Americans about the Trump Administration’s work to put human exploration back at the core of our national space program.
A big part of that mission is returning NASA to the Moon, which will serve as a forerunner to future human missions to Mars.
President Trump says America will once again lead the world in the exploration and development of space. Earlier this year, the Administration unveiled a National Space Strategy to accomplish just that, refocusing our space program by more closely linking its work to both American national security and American strength.

President Trump to Hawaii: ‘Please prepare yourselves’

President Trump is deeply concerned for the wellbeing of all Hawaiians as Hurricane Lane continues to threaten the islands. Lane is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 10 to 15 inches with isolated maximum rain amounts of 20 inches across the state.
Yesterday, the President approved an emergency declaration for the State of Hawaii, ordering federal assistance to supplement state and local response efforts. “Everyone in the path of #HurricaneLane please prepare yourselves, heed the advice of State and local officials, and follow @NWSHonolulu for updates,” the President tweeted. “Be safe!”

Photo of the Day


Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks

President Donald J. Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Mrs. Valerie Nessel, widow of U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. John A. Chapman, Medal of Honor recipient | August 22, 2018
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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