#metoo Human rights victim! Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: August 5, 2018: Everyone in the international community! Let's give a warm hand to 'illegal immigrants and economic refugees.' It is the same human being. Let's make a refugee camp town that can work humanly.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version: August 5, 2018: Everyone in the international community!
Let's give a warm hand to 'illegal immigrants and economic refugees.'
It is the same human being.
Let's make a refugee camp town that can work humanly.

According to Bloomberg on August 2, Italy's Prime Minister Conte said
in a joint press conference with President Donald Trump, "We are both governments of change,
a lot of things are uniting us.
"The United States is a twin nation,"
stating the position as one of the few leaders who support President Donald Trump among EU member states.

"Conte Prime Minister" was in tune with President Donald Trump 's populist remarks
and a "skeptical attitude" to the current situation of the EU,
claiming to improve relations with Russia.

In response to this, President Donald Trump praised Italian immigration crackdown
and stated that European countries should follow the case of the country.

I also support President Donald Trump.
I would like to say to the President Donald Trump,
Prime Minister Conte and the leaders of the EU on "Immigration System".

I support "governance under the law".
We urge each country to respond strictly to illegal immigrants and economic refugees.
This is evidenced by the fact that the citizens
of each country have given "NO" to the government
against the increase of large numbers of illegal immigrants and refugees.

People's lives are primary than "broad human rights problems".

However, we can not ignore "human rights problems in a broad sense" as human beings.

Born as the same human, it is too unreasonable.

I have expressed my opinion on the correspondence of "illegal immigrants and economic refugees".

We can not accept in our country,
We should support them in "limited specific areas" so that they can live a more human life.

For refugees, "refugee camp" is set up,
but it is not a place where humans can live with hope very much.

It will last for a long time until the recipient country is decided.
Meanwhile, they need to learn the language and culture of host countries.
Their lives may last until they die.

So I'm appealing the construction of a "refugee town with factory"
where they can live there long term and work.

Japan ignores international law under the "immigration system" operation.
Help me! There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC".
The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate,
please contact us by e-mail.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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