
Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-02】 The White House • August 1, 2018 The Day Ahead • President Donald J. Trump will meet with pastors from America’s inner cities at the White House.

Vice President Mike Pence is in Hawaii, where he will participate in the Honorable Carry Ceremony for the remains of American service members who fell in the Korean War. Watch live at 7:15 p.m. ET.

Shut out by Obamacare, millions will get relief

Obamacare has failed to provide affordable, flexible healthcare options for millions of Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 28 million Americans are without insurance coverage today. 
Americans are increasingly being priced out of Affordable Care Act plans. From 2013 to 2017, insurance premiums more than doubled, shutting out tons of middle-class Americans who don’t get subsidies. 
In many communities, options are nonexistent. More than 52 percent of U.S. counties have just one ACA insurer, forcing residents to choose between pricey insurance or nothing at all.
Today, President Trump and his Administration are improving healthcare options for all Americans by issuing a final rule on short-term, limited-duration health plans. The new rule allows for the sale and renewal of plans that cover longer periods than the previous maximum of fewer than three months. This rule will increase choices for Americans facing escalating premiums, creating flexible options that are not currently available in the individual market.

Worker pay hits highest level in a decade

During the nearly 8 years of “recovery” that followed the Great Recession under the previous Administration, one key piece of the economic puzzle was missing: significant wage gains for workers. According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that’s changed under President Trump.
Wages and salaries rose 0.5 percent last quarter and 2.8 percent during the 12-month period ending in June, CNBC reports. The employment cost index, which measures compensation to workers, hit its highest level since amid the financial crisis in 2008. 
While left-leaning economists claimed that slow growth was inevitable, President Trump said the right policies—tax reform, stronger trade deals, and investment in our workforce—could turn our country around. Last night in Florida, the President announced more progress: 49 additional businesses have signed his Pledge to America’s Workers, building on a day that included signing the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act into law. 

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

President Donald J. Trump ceremonially signs the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act | July 31, 2018 
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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