Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-03】 Thanks to President Trump, American Workers are Getting Big Raises

U.S. workers have finally received a pay hike — the best in nearly a decade. Forgive us for saying: We told you so,” Liz Peek writes in The Hill
Donald Trump ran for the presidency promising we could do better and arguing that U.S. workers deserved a raise. Skepticism from the left was cutting. . . . Over the past six months, real growth in the U.S. totaled 3.1 percent. That compares to about 2.2 percent over the eight years that Obama was in the White House.”
President Trump signed legislation Tuesday that renews a federal workforce development program, sending $1.2 billion a year to states,” Laura Meckler reports for The Washington Post. The Perkins Career and Technical Education Act “will benefit millions of students + workers nationwide & equip them with the skills they need to thrive,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump tweeted.
In terms of policy and personnel achievements, modern American conservatism has perhaps had its most successful two years ever,” Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams writes in Real Clear Policy. He calls for a renewed “Americanism” that restores citizenship and reasserts democratic control. “This new Americanism, in other words, comes to look quite a bit like the common-sense policy outlines and political project of the Trump administration.”
In The Daily Signal, Thomas Jipping and Christopher Baldacci write that Democrats are running out of excuses to delay Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. They point out that Democrats don’t want the American people to inspect Judge Kavanaugh’s “judicial record because it will show what a fair and impartial judge he really is.”
In the Courier Journal, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell writes that it’s time to “stand with ICE, stand with the rule of law, and stand with all the American families who would rather have fewer drugs and less crime in the communities where they’re raising their children.” Sen. McConnell points out that leading Democrats are “taking cues from the open-borders socialist crowd and proposing to eliminate the very agency that enforces federal immigration laws within the interior of our nation.”

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.


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