
Thanks for human rights【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-08】 President Trump Reinstates Iran Sanctions, Slams ‘Horrible’ Nuclear Deal

President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to unravel the Obama-era nuclear deal with Tehran,” Fox News reports.
Our policy is based on a clear-eyed assessment of the Iranian dictatorship, its sponsorship of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world,” the President said.
The number of people collecting foods stamps has dropped tremendously since President Trump took office, according to the latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture,” Julia Limitone reports in Fox Business. “Since Trump took office, the administration has zeroed in on promoting pro-growth policies.”
Economists expected hiring to slow in 2018,” Eric Morath writes in The Wall Street Journal. “The opposite has occurred, largely due to a resurgence in two categories that had been contracting, retail and manufacturing.”
In the Duluth News Tribune, Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan writes that the opioids epidemic can be won in places like Duluth, Minnesota. “Under President Donald Trump, HHS has made the opioid crisis a top priority because it leaves no corner of our country untouched.”
William Dunkelberg writes in Forbes that small business owners are powering the economy forward. “The President called [recent economic growth] ‘amazing,’ but the media decided to ‘fact check that term and concluded that it could only be called ‘strong.’ So much for ‘secular stagnation.’”
In the Miami Herald, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley writes that in stark contrast to the failed dictatorship in Venezuela, “Colombia, a country once plagued by violence, has just had the most peaceful and democratic election in its history.”
President Trump has told Republican senators that he’s open to a new proposal on prison and sentencing reform, giving new life to an issue that seemed hopelessly stalled on Capitol Hill,” Alexander Bolton reports for The Hill.
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