Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-25】

August 24, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. The American economy is booming, and we are currently experiencing the longest running bull market in our Nation’s history.
As President, I am making good on my promise to deliver a pro-growth economic agenda that unleashes the full potential of the American economy. The results are clear—America is back and open for business.
As the market continues to soar, American workers are finding more job opportunities and consumer confidence is high. Since November of 2016, we have added 3.7 million jobs to our economy. The unemployment rate has matched its lowest level in 50 years. And for Hispanic Americans, it has reached the lowest level in recorded history at 4.5 percent. Moreover, the National Federation of Independent Business is reporting record levels of optimism, and the Consumer Confidence Index recently reached its highest level in 17 years.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. Together, we will continue to build a more prosperous future for our country.,
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.


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