
#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-09-11: In Japan, the prosecutor says himself "I am great." And, they make the people "criminals" by "power" rather than by law. Please check the facts in the document of prosecution.

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The reason for criminal reasons is that we assisted the administrative punishment
(revocation of qualifications) to foreigners 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.

They change "name of crime" and apply 'criminal aid for criminal law' against illegal work.
It is "topsy-turvy".
Facts please see the indictment.
It is the continuation of the previous day.

4-2. Next, the causal relationship of application of the criminal law
"Assistance crime" is "Unreasonable".
It is said that the provision of "false employment contract documents"
made "easier" acquisition of status of residence. This is "unjust".

They said that they easily "acquired" the "status of residence"
"Granting condition" is unpublished,
and it is what the Minister of Justice grants at "discretion".
Therefore, it can not be said that it made it easy to acquire "status of residence".

Even if you get a status of residence with "content false employment contract documents"
As stipulated in Article 4-4 of the Immigration Control Act 22 "Cancellation of Status
of Residence", it is separate from illegal employment.

Even if you obtain the status of residence of "technology"
or "humanities / international" from the Minister of Justice
in "employment contract documents whose content is false".

If you work within the scope of the status of residence of "technology"
or "humanities / international" it is not "illegal work".

It is obvious that it will not be "illegal work" (activities outside the status of qualification).

Therefore, acquisition of status of residence and 'illegal work' has nothing to do with it.

Clearly it is the responsibility of the employer that they
became "illegal workers". (Employing a foreign national with a status of residence
without qualification for work)

4-3. As evidenced by the Philippine Embassy incident in 2014 - 2015,
As usual, "Employers" who illegally employed foreigners are not disposed of,
Only foreigners who are employed illegally are "criminalized" in "arbitrary",
so please relieve them urgently.

4-4. The criminal who is the subject of this lawsuit is a person
who lists in the attached "Complaint" and "Accusation letter".

There are numerous police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers.
It symbolizes the entity of Japanese judiciary! It is such a serious "humanitarian crime".

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to pay damages promptly.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

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