
To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-25: Japan is a "great country" that accepts the fourth largest "immigrants" in the world. Japan "accepts" a large number of immigrants under the name of "international student" or "intern". The truth is that they are workers. It is a Japanese government's "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-10-25: Japan is a "great country" that accepts the fourth largest "immigrants" in the world.
Japan "accepts" a large number of immigrants under the name of "international student" or "intern".
The truth is that they are workers. It is a Japanese government's "trap".


Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Japanese prosecutors can not explain "logic of law".
So the prosecutor says like this.
The prosecutor first says this way.
"I am great." And say.
"If you recognize the crime, I will make you a fine."
"If you do not admit the crime, I will send you to jail."
This kind of "pushy" transaction is done.
The prosecutor "makes" the crime of the lie.
When you experience such an experience,
the Japanese government's "abduction issue of the Japanese people
in the North Korean government" can only be considered a lie.
It is the usual 'fables' of the Japanese government.
It is the continuation from the previous day.

Police officers and prosecutors do not "criminalize" employers
who "have illegally hired foreigners" by "Immigration Act 73-2".
And only foreigners who "worked illegally" were "criminal disposition"
with "Immigration Law Article 70".
The reason is that they did a crime to get "feat".

The reason for the "indictment" crime describes the facts
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act "Cancellation of Status of Residence"
and the fact of "support".

Disposition under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act is "administrative disposition"
of "withdrawing to foreign countries".
It is not "criminal punishment".
However, the prosecutor consciously applied "crime to support other crimes"
of "criminal law" against the "crime of illegal labor" of Immigration Control Act.
There is no causal relation between "illegal labor crime"
and "crime to support other crimes" of the "Immigration Control Law Article 70".
The subject of "crime to support other crimes" is support
of Article 22-4-4 "Revocation of status of residence" of Immigration Control Act.
Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act conducted by Chinese is not "criminal punishment".

Suppose that the Chinese "gets" the "status of residence"
using the "employment contract documents" of "false".
However, if Chinese work within the scope of "status
of residence" it will not be "a crime of illegal labor".
They became "a crime of illegal labor" because there is a "cause"
in the employer who hired foreigners who are not qualified to work.
Elementary school students can understand this logic.

It is a terrible crime that is completely "shameful"
and remains in history in the history of Japan's judicial crime.
Still, police officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers are running away.
Prosecutors "protect" them.
Politicians pretend not to know.
It is horrible Japan.
Please spread this fact everyone.
Please call ICC for an investigation.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request this government for recovery and compensation of honor.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation
of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

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