
To President Trump 2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people). It is the same treatment as Japanese. The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge. Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people).
It is the same treatment as Japanese.
The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge.
Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

Prosecutor's lie! Violation of immigration law (activities outside the status of qualification)
The Chinese were arrested for violation of immigration
law (activity outside the status of qualification).
For this reason, L Company was suspected to support
the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of qualification)
in May 2010, and received "investigation of house".
The police arrested me in June 2010.
The police said criminal acts were that "the contract of employment that is false in content",
that is, (fake document lying) was handed over to the Chinese.
That is, support of (Immigration Law Article 22 4 - 4) is a crime! Police say.
And it is aid for violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
(activities outside the status of qualification)! Police say.
The police arrested me for criminal law's "crime aiding other crimes".

After that, officials and diplomats in the Philippine Embassy are "arrested"
with exactly the same logic.

I insisted that I am not committing a crime of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment."
But the police said, "No one said such a thing."
The police say that support of "Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act" is "crime
to support other crimes of criminal law."
Police officials say "Do not say theory!" "You should accept in the general theory!"
And I was sent to "Tokyo District Prosecutor".
The defense counsel seeks "release" to the public prosecutor.
However, the prosecutor "dismissed" "release" on the grounds that "the trial can not be done".
And the prosecutor "Indictment" me to the Tokyo district court.

I fought as not having violated any law in Japan. However,
in April 2011 I was imprisoned for a year and a half in the Tokyo district court,
a fine of 500,000 yen, and I was imprisoned.
In Japan 's trial, "those who do not admit" is "jail".
"Penalty" means to impose labor in prison.
I appealed to the Tokyo High Court, but it was dismissed.
The Supreme Court "appeal" but dismissed.
The reason is not a constitutional violation, it is merely "mistake of application law",
it is not "a matter of deliberation" of the Supreme Court by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
So I entered the prison on March 5, 2012 and left the prison on March 19, 2013.
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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