
To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-23: Korea always talks about the era when it was annexed to Japan. "Issues of military comfort women" and "Workers' problems forced to work in Japanese companies (Cyoyouko)". However, I do not say "human rights violation problem" of Korean victims who are currently experiencing "immigration law violation". Currently, we should protect the people who are suffering. Korea is a country ignorant of international law. I have no choice but to wait for the emergence of educated Koreans.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-23: Korea always talks about the era when it was annexed to Japan.
"Issues of military comfort women" and "Workers' problems forced to work
in Japanese companies (Cyoyouko)".
However, I do not say "human rights violation problem"
of Korean victims who are currently experiencing "immigration law violation".
Currently, we should protect the people who are suffering.
Korea is a country ignorant of international law.
I have no choice but to wait for the emergence of educated Koreans.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Under "principle of equality under the law", they are not guilty.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crime of supporting other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code,
as supporting the acts of the "illegal labor of foreigners".
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status
of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However(Article 22-4-4) is "cancellation of status of residence",
it is not criminal punishment.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

With my English ability,
I can not "express" conversations with police officers.
But please read as much as possible.
In the same way, they issued words that insulted my wife,
and bathed in "ulteriority" and "scolding".
An insult to my wife means, for example,
"Your tone is Taisita Tama" in "Tone of Yakuza" ..
Because the goods are bad, I do not translate it into English.
L company is "planned bankruptcy".
Even though you took responsibility at the time of ECS,
you leave the company, why do not you feel responsible this time?

Their "threat" and "Shame" are called "Tone of Yakuza".
"What are you doing", "You bastard"
"We are not coming to a picnic"
"Do not" fool "the great Metropolitan Police."
"You bastard"
"How long have you been silent?"
One day, I always left "Accompanying officer" and opened the door of the "interrogation room",
but on this day I closed the door and made an interrogation in a closed room.
Despite "appealing" the poor physical condition,
"If you want to spoil dirt", (pointing to a sink), where "Spit the dirt!"
I also made an interview with your wife, but "Taisita Tama daze".
If you keep silent, I will do 'investigation' again.
"Kono Yarou! Orera! Tenkano Keisicyo no Ningen nada!"
"Sakuradamon wo Namerunjanee Tadaja okanaizo".
"Orera picnic Ni Kiterunjaneezo"
Konomamaja Sumanaizo Omaeha Hanzaisya Nanda! "
You have "Right to remain silent",
but if you use "Right to remain silent" you will be disadvantaged at the trial. "
You may ask lawyers, if you are a decent attorney, say "yes."
Nevertheless, when I listened to the lawyer and asked the lawyer,
it was said that there was "Right to remain silent" now,
"Right to remain silent",
"I am sick" and "I can not talk" so I wanted You to forgive me ", but,
"Your lawyer's head is" strange ", is not it? You do not know "criminal trial"?
It is different from textbook! "
In other words, they were "Scream", so I thought "I'd rather die."
"I will not respond to interrogation" is to put the words above,
It was "threatened", and furthermore worsened the physical condition. In case
The police officer does not have violence such as beating,
but "Strike a gesture" did.
I wonder if this is the real democratic police situation,
With a sense of fear, the body was increasingly rigid.
Every day, I wanted to go home as soon as possible.
I can not write in English.
If you would like to understand please request the original Japanese sentences by e-mail.

I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

This case is a violation of international law.
In each country "treaties ratified" take precedence over "laws of each country".
To "point out" a treaty violation is not "interference of domestic affairs".
The world should be ruled under the law.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not entitled to claim "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should "resolve" the "abduction of foreigners
by the Japanese government" incident as "top priority issue".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

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