
To President Trump 2018-12-24: Merry Christmas. It is a masterpiece that changed "Christmas" in Japan. Christmas Eve Tatsuro Yamashita masterpiece CM collection JR Tokai Surely you will not come. A single Christmas Eve. Silent night, Holy night. https://youtu.be/7J3KnAPnEh8

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-12-24: Merry Christmas.
It is a masterpiece that changed "Christmas" in Japan.
Christmas Eve Tatsuro Yamashita masterpiece CM collection JR Tokai
Surely you will not come. A single Christmas Eve. Silent night, Holy night.

Dear sirs. It is the continuation of the previous week.
That Chinese, A visited company L to receive "interview" to L company.
So I did "imagination" of "investigation of facts".
However, I thought it was strange because the "staff of immigration" did not come.
And because the survey was "like an amateur",
I suspected it was "a real police officer."
I was worried.
"Searching for a house" began, and Mr. Moriyama of acquaintance will "visit" soon.
But soon the police officer took him out and went outside.
He has received "Interrogation" from a police officer.
The reason why Mr. Moriyama visited is to "restore" the data of the personal computer
that replaced the hard disk the previous day.
My computer broke two or three days ago.
So I asked Mr. Moriyama to "exchange" the hard disk the day before "Searching for a house."
He initialized the hard disk and kept doing "initial setup" of Windows XP.
And the removed hard disk was placed on the desk on the left side of the PC.

An investigator sitting for about 2 hours
and looking up the data before "personal computer confiscated".
And police officers confiscated this computer.
Other investigators were checking the data for some other PCs,
but did not "confiscate" the personal computer.
I thought that "server personal computer" was more important,
explaining the roles of several "server PCs" to the investigators,
displaying the directory and explained it.
However, policemen seemed to have no idea of ​​"LINUX server".
So the policemen did not show interest in "server PC" nor did "confiscation".

My "criminal reason" is an error of "applicable law", so what I am writing is "reference".
I am writing to let people around the world know the Japanese judicial system.

I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

I am "claiming" two things in this crime.
1. Foreigners conducted "illegal labor other than status of residence".
This is innocent.
Only foreigners were punished with Article 70 of the Immigration Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the Immigration Control Act,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers who are "causal relationships"
of illegal work by the Immigration Act 73-2 (a crime promoting illegal employment).
However, Japan's judiciary "disposses" only foreigners and does not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates the "principle of equality under the law".
And it violates international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.
If "an employer who illegally employed" is innocent,
"a foreigner who worked illegally" is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law" against Article 70
of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. "Indictment" "points out the reason for crime,
Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act (acquisition of status of residence
by submitting false documents).
However, there is no such penalty.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "crime to support other crimes of criminal law" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "support" a lot of victims with your courage and justice.
I am asking the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensate for victims" of the victims.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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