
Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version, February 17, 2019: The Chinese government does not protect human rights of Chinese citizens. President Donald Trump! Please pursue the Japanese government as a police officer of the world. "Communism" should be expelled from the world.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version, February 17, 2019:
The Chinese government does not protect human rights of Chinese citizens.
President Donald Trump!
Please pursue the Japanese government as a police officer of the world.
"Communism" should be expelled from the world.

Dear sirs. Illegal labor can not be done alone.
If the Chinese who carried out "illegal labor" is "guilty",
"employer" who "hired illegally" is also "guilty".
"Employer" is "innocent".
That's why "Chinese people are also acquitted" by the rules of international law.
The Japanese government should do "recovery" and "compensation" of "honor" to Chinese.

It is 4 Chinese who was "punished illegally" for "violation of immigration law" in 2010.
Today, I will list two people in the continuation of yesterday.

3). written judgment contained in the trial protocol
2010, Toku, (wa), number 1173. In case
Declared date July 28, 2010. In case
Confirmed date August 12, 2010. In case
Lynn Horley "Rin Koritu"
Born August 10, 1983.
Tokyo District Court, detectives 13 copies.
August 12, 2010.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Article 70 (1) (4) of the Immigration Control Act Immigration Control Act,
Article 19 (1) (1),
Article 25 (1) of the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Act 181 (1).
1 year imprisonment, 3 years grace.

4). "Written judgment contained in the trial protoco" Not yet acquired. In case
2010, Toku, (wa), number 0000. In case
Declaration date 7th - 8th - 8th month of 2010. In case
Confirmation date 7 ~ 8 / Month / day of 2010. In case
Limon Li Wei "Ri Moe"
Birth date unknown.
Tokyo District Court, Criminal Division.
7th - 8th month 2010 - day of 2010.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Article 70 (1) (4) of the Immigration Control Act Immigration Control Act,
Article 19 (1) (1),
Article 25 (1) of the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Act 181 (1).
1 year imprisonment, 3 years grace.

I will continue with next week.

Please understand Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Full text is below.

This is the reason for the crime pointed out in the indictment
The prosecution says that we did "aiding and abetting"
of Article 22-4-4 "Revocation of Status of Residence" Immigration Act.
This punishment is the cancellation of "status of residence".

(Revocation of Status of Residence)
Article 22-4 A Minister of Justice may obtain a foreign national who resides
in Japan with the status of residence of the appended table 1 or the upper row
of appended table 2 under the recognition of a refugee under paragraph 1 of Article 61-2 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the applicant may revoke the status of residence that the alien actually has
under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.

1 omitted
2 omission
3 omitted
※ ※ ※ ※
"A bill of indictment" is "posting" 4 below. It's crazy.
Documents submitted to the "Tokyo Immigration Bureau" by the Chinese people fall
under the following 4.
The prosecution "points out" that we have "offered" this document "false document" to Chinese people.

4 In addition to what is listed in the preceding three items,
documents containing misrepresented documents (certificates
and misrepresentations stipulated in Article 7-2, paragraph 1,
which was issued by submission or presentation of documents with misstatements
or drawings Including a visa received by a passport by submitting
or presenting a certain document or drawing of the same) or a seal
or the like of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

5 omitted
(Forced deportation)
Article 24 For a foreign national who falls under any of the following items,
it is possible to force the eviction from Japan by the procedure prescribed in the next chapter.

* The following was added in 2010 July.
(3) Invalidly illegally giving a certificate under the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 illegally to another foreigner,
a seal of the landing permit
(including the record under the provisions of Article 9 paragraph 4) or permission,
Forgery or alteration of documents or drawings, creation of false documents or drawings,
forgery or forgery or creation of documents or drawings for the purpose
of allowing permission for landing pursuant to the provisions of the clause
or permission under the provisions of Section 1 or 3 of the next chapter A person
who exercises, possesses,
or provides for altered documents or drawings or false documents or drawings,
or suggests or helps these acts

There is no "good abduction" or "bad abduction" in abduction / confinement. Help me!

There are many victims around the world.
Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

In case
The above translation documents are inaccurate,
so please contact us by e-mail.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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