
Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version, March 9, 2019: The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office will not accept it no matter how many times it is submitted. Although it is not an investigation agency, I submitted it to the "Ministry of Justice Criminal Bureau", please have a look! Please look at the reply of "Metropolitan Police Department", Criminal Division. These are the proof to prove the actual condition of Japanese judiciary. Please correctly report Japanese dangerous "judicial administration".

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday version, March 9, 2019:
The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office will not accept it no matter how many times
it is submitted. Although it is not an investigation agency,
I submitted it to the "Ministry of Justice Criminal Bureau",
please have a look!
Please look at the reply of "Metropolitan Police Department",
Criminal Division. These are the proof to prove the actual condition of Japanese judiciary.
Please correctly report Japanese dangerous "judicial administration".

Dear sirs. I think that my explanation has already been understood.
I have done all possible solutions in Japan.
Today, I will introduce reply by the Ministry of Justice Criminal Bureau
and the Metropolitan Police Department, Criminal Division, Investigation Division.

February 19, Heisei 20
Hi Nagano Yasuhiro,
Ministry of Justice Criminal Bureau

I received your letter from you and read it
but I understand that this case is related to specific concrete cases,
so please understand that we can not deal with this matter.
In addition, of letters received, letters of inquiries,
complaints, letters of charges and documents addressed to you
from the Special Investigative Division
of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office will be returned.

February 26, Heisei 20
Hi Nagano Yasuhiro,
Metropolitan Police Department, Criminal Division, Investigation Section 2
About reversion of "sealed letters"

I have "looked" on "complaint" submitted to "the superintendent-general [Chief Commissioner]
of the Metropolitan Police" from "you".
"Fact of crime" of "Declaration = Report" is "unclear".
It is not admitted as "declaration = Report" of "criminal fact".
I will return the document.

If you need a copy of the original,
I will provide it so please request it.

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone, please know the constitution of Japan.
It is the same as the countries of the world.
It is a wonderful constitution that the Allied Forces (US Army) gave to Japan,
the defeated country.
It is Article 31 of the Constitution of Japan.
"No one shall be deprived of its life or freedom unless it is done
by the procedures prescribed by the law, and no other punishment can be imposed."
The procedure prescribed by the law is the law established in the Diet.

Article 72 Rights and obligations of judges
All judges follow their conscience and independently exercise their authority
and are bound only to this constitution and law.
Judges do not comply with the Constitution of Japan.
Judges ignore Japanese law.
"Reason for the crime listed in the indictment" is "assistance"
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
The judgment applies the criminal law, Article 60, Article 62 "aiding
and abetting" to the foreign immigration control law Article 70
(labor outside the status of qualification).
It is out of the logic of law.
Japanese judicial officials can not understand this logical mistake.
In reality Japan, this constitution is "not protected". Help me.

There are many victims around the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

The above translation documents are inaccurate,
so please contact us by e-mail.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!

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