
Let's spread! To create a society where human rights are protected! Saturday version, April 13, 2019: Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump seizes illegal immigrants who have been employed illegally in "illegal stay" and shuts them out of the United States "innocently. The president has been accused of this. In Japan, legal immigrants are being expelled as "offenders" in violation of international law. Which is correct?

Let's spread! To create a society where human rights are protected!

Saturday version, April 13, 2019:
Dear Sirs,
President Donald Trump seizes illegal immigrants who have been employed illegally in "illegal stay" and shuts them out of the United States "innocently.
The president has been accused of this.
In Japan, legal immigrants are being expelled as "offenders" in violation of international law.
Which is correct?

Part 1. In the United States,
8 million illegal migrants who are illegally staying have "illegal work".
The US economy has grown by relying on illegal workers.
Many researchers who have tackled the problem of illegal workers say
that cutting off illegal migrants could result in unemployment among American workers,
bankruptcy of the company and a shrinking economy.
"Illegal immigrants" work in the "3K" workplace.
1. KITUI (heavy labor), 2. KItanai (dirty), 3 Kiken (dangerous).
It is such a job.
This is the same in Japan.
Japan has accepted workers under the name "interns of foreigners' skills".
Japan has accepted workers under the name of "international students".

The “security measures” at the border have become particularly strong recently.
On the other hand, the economy is strong and the unemployment rate is falling.
Employers, especially those who need low-paid workers,
say that the only option is to hire workers who do not have a work permit.
I can understand the pain of "employers". Japan, too,
because it is the same.
The reason why Japan accepts "simple workers" from April is that they need low-paid workers.

President Donald Trump promised in the presidential election the construction
of the “Mexico border wall” to cut off the influx of illegal workers.
President Donald Trump has issued a State of Emergency Declaration to secure the cost
of building the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, four illegal workers who worked at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster,
New Jersey have published "illegal employment facts."
I am not going to blame US President Donald Trump for this.
If they are "managers", they will have to hire low-wage "illegal workers".
US President Donald Trump has two hearts.
How does the US President balance the two?

Under such circumstances, it became clear that “Kirsten Neilsen,
Secretary of the National Security,” who has been responsible
for the implementation of the measures taken by President Donald Trump on the Mexican border,
“resigned” on April 7.
"The Commissioner of Homeland Security has stated that his mission
at Homeland Security was" a lifetime, especially an honor ".

Mr. Nielsen has been responsible for "Strengthening border measures,"
including building walls on the Mexican border and separating and housing immigrant parents and children.
I show respect for Nielsen's actions.
I think it is "action with justice".

In order to solve the "border wall problem" and the "illegal immigration problem",
I sent "mails" to the White House every day and made "proposals".
And I asked for the solution of the following "Part 2" problem.
But with the resignation of Mr. Nielsen, the contact with the White House was broken.
I am worried that the United States will become a "rogue state" like Japan
as Mr. Nielsen's resignation.

The problem of illegal immigration in the United States is serious.
The realities of Americans need "illegal immigration".
President Donald Trump announced in 2017 a study on the legalization of "illegal immigration".
However, now we are moving towards the elimination of "illegal immigration".
I think this was conscious of the presidential election.
President Donald Trump says the "crime"
of illegal immigrants as a reason to expel "illegal immigrants".
I certainly think that there is a "crime" of illegal immigration.
However, statistical data do not mean that there are many illegal immigrant crimes.

I understand.
"The reason for exclusion" of "people of the group
who abolish illegal immigration" is because "they" are "black" and "Hispanic".
They hate "physiologically," "blacks" and "Hispanic".
However, the democratic state of the United States can not "proclaim" racial discrimination.
So they are trying to "overassert" and "exclude" the crimes of illegal immigration.
The abolition of racial discrimination is American history.
The issue of racial discrimination is serious.
This problem divides the people of the United States in half.

The United States insisted on a global economy and was deprived of low-priced Chinese products.
Because of that many workers lost their jobs.
If we eliminate "illegal immigration" here, the US economy will "break down".
China's "American sabotage" has advanced to this point.
President Donald Trump should be aware of China's "conspiracy".
Americans should make "immigration" and "mexican wall" compatible.

I wish President Donald Trump to have good politics under the "goddess of liberty".
And President Donald Trump should be the "superior" "top management" of the "US."

I am proposing to accept refugees and the poor in "special zones"
and employ them as "low-paying workers".
Please see another e-mail "Special Zone Version" (Saturday and Sunday issue).

Part 2. There are many Koreans who have been arrested
for immigration law violations in violation of international law.
(I can not count).
Koreans, Chinese, "everyone in the world"!
Help the victims of the Japanese government around you!

The victims are foreigners who "worked illegally"
in activities other than "Certificate of residence" in Japan.
They are arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
and are subject to "criminal sanctions" such as "a prison term punishment"
and "a fine punishment". And they are foreigners who have been forced to repatriate.
I wrote this yesterday.

We arrest a third party for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me or "Kin Gungaku who is Chinese".
Other victims are officials from the Embassy of the Philippines and diplomats
from the Philippines.
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.

It is a third party who has handed out the “contract documents
for employment” to foreigners who have “illegal labor”.
It has nothing to do with "illegal labor."
The prosecution says in Indictment:

I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the status of residence
by attaching “Employment Contract Documents with False Content”.
Foreigners came to live in Japan because they got “Certificate of residence”.
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
So, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal labor" of the immigration control law of foreigners,
"the crime that supported other crimes" of "Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins for Support"
against "illegal labor" is stipulated in "Sins promoting illegal work"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated
in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Status of Residence
by Filing False Documents".
There is no punishment for that. Only the status of residence is cancelled.
And "forced repatriation" will be.

Even if you get a status of residence with “false documents”,
if you work within the scope of status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 and Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
and the Philippine diplomat is an error of the "applicable law".
This is the perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "restoration of honor" and "reparations".

If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government,
request an investigation from the ICC.
Please use this case as a text of law at a university etc.
(Students can understand Japan's stupid judicial level)

There are many victims all over the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The documents are below.

The above translated document is incorrect,
please contact us by email.

Yours sincerely Nagano Yoshihiro


For uncertainties, please contact us!

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