
[White House 2019-04-07]Ending America’s Opioid Crisis When President Trump took office, the opioid crisis was devastating communities across America. Nearly 64,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2016 alone. Opioid overdoses accounted for more than 42,000 of these deaths, more than any previous year on record.

[White House 2019-04-07]Ending America’s Opioid Crisis

When President Trump took office, the opioid crisis was devastating communities across America. Nearly 64,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2016 alone. Opioid overdoses accounted for more than 42,000 of these deaths, more than any previous year on record.

In October 2017, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. Ever since, the Trump Administration has applied an all-of-Government approach to the epidemic, taking an extraordinary range of actions that reflect the President’s commitment to stopping the crisis in its tracks.

President Trump’s Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse, unveiled in 2018, is confronting the driving forces behind the opioid crisis.

Part 1 is reducing demand and over-prescription, including educating Americans about the dangers of opioid misuse. Part 2 is cutting down on the supply of illicit drugs by cracking down on the international and domestic drug supply chains that devastate American communities. Part 3 is helping those struggling with addiction through evidence-based treatment and recovery support services.

Among the historic actions taken:

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Dogwood trees are seen in bloom on the North Lawn of the White House | March 26, 2019

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

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