
To everyone in the world. May 05, 2019 European Special Zone Sunday Edition: Greetings. The Social Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Sanchez, won the Spanish General Election on Friday. However, it did not reach the majority, and the Far-Rights Box decided to enter the government and gained 24 seats. Now what is needed is politics to correct the inequality.

To everyone in the world.

May 05, 2019 European Special Zone Sunday Edition:
Greetings. The Social Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Sanchez, won the Spanish General Election on Friday. However, it did not reach the majority, and the Far-Rights Box decided to enter the government and gained 24 seats. Now what is needed is politics to correct the inequality.

Part 1. The rise of "Extreme right power" spread from Italy, France, etc. to Spain.
The “Social Labor Party” was supported by raising the minimum wage, etc., but it did not reach the majority, and “full-scale negotiations” of “political coalition” would be made.
On the other hand, sued a tough "immigration policy"
"Extreme right party" was "make rapid progress".
As a result of the election results, "European countries" become more "inwardly oriented" due to the "UK (EU) withdrawal problem" and so on.
Can we maintain the "centripetal force" of European integration towards the European Parliament elections in late May?
The EU's skeptics are expected to expand, and EU unity will be shaken.

In the Spanish general elections Sanchez has won by calling for a generous welfare policy.
Rather than deepening EU integration, what must be concentrated on domestic policy is a phenomenon common to major European countries.
French President Macron announced a massive tax cut to meet the anti-government demonstration "Yellow Best". He spent time in direct dialogue with the people and foreign policy stagnated.
Germany was forced to revise its tolerant immigration policy in order to curb the rise of the extreme right party that appeals to anti-immigration.
In the UK, where the exit from the EU is not visible, political parties calling for early withdrawal are gaining momentum.
Introverted intensification in European countries will further boost EU skeptics.

I think that "rise" of "Extreme right power" is because there is "a sense of inequality" among people rather than immigration issues.
France is directing this "rage" to the elite.
The people of the British withdrawal say.
"Why the EU president directs on the UK! He is not the president the British people have elected."
"Lepen leader" of France's extreme right party "National Union" says in Twitter:
"The nation needs a person who defends the country with strong enthusiasm."

European countries should not rush to "deepen up" EU integration.
In Europe, "nation" has "feeling of inequality" in every country.
I think in Europe, "removing" the "sense of unfairness" of the people is "the top priority."

In the article of "Washington Post", there is an anxious article.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/at-trump-golf-course-undocumented-employees-said-they-were-sometimes-told-to-work-extra-hours-without-pay/20019/4/ 30 / 17f6c9be-65eb-11e9-83df-04f4d124151f_story.html? Noredirect = on & utm_term = .9debdb858e0f

Europe needs immigration.
"Protecting the people of each country" and "Economic development in each country" requires "special zones in each country".

President Donald Trump said. "The United States needs to rule under the law."
The American people also have a sense of inequality.
I think Americans will make this "conclusion" next fall.

Part 2. We propose to build "special zones" in each country, including Europe.
Please read along with the proposal for the United States (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Please see.
April 28, 2019, supplementary matters.

The prosperity of each country is realized by the freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law" of the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law.
Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.

Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano "Nagano Hirohiro"

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