
To everyone in the world. Sunday, May 19, 2019 Special Edition Sunday Edition: Greetings. Xi Jinping Jintao will implement measures to create a "new UN". Japan is doing "to compare and contrast two alternatives" diplomacy between China and the United States. The idea of ​​East Asian countries is the same. President Trump is not aware yet.

To everyone in the world.

Sunday, May 19, 2019 Special Edition Sunday Edition:
Greetings. Xi Jinping Jintao will implement measures to create a "new UN". Japan is doing "to compare and contrast two alternatives" diplomacy between China and the United States. The idea of ​​East Asian countries is the same. President Trump is not aware yet.

Part 1. China seems to have studied the details of the Japan-US trade war.
So it seems that China has given up on trade negotiations, resisting the move of the United States to smash "China Production 2025". China has a strong force called The Belt and Road Initiative.

Only one measure can win this Chinese strategy.
America is to become the factory of the world again.
Suppose that the United States has built a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border.
Suppose that a factory in the "special zone" can employ "temporary immigration" with a low wage of "mexico grade".
However, I think that there are few production engineers and skilled workers in the United States.
In the "special zone" factory, it is first necessary to collect production engineers and skilled workers from all over the world from all over the world.
Production equipment "purchase" the "latest equipment".
Many American companies and companies in "Allied countries" build factories in "special zones".
I think this construction will last for decades.
US companies, Japanese and European companies, thrive on "demand" such as "materials for construction" in "special zones" and "equipment equipment in factories".
In the "early" of the "special zone", many of the "temporary immigrants" work as construction workers.
The purchase amount of consumer goods purchased by "temporary immigration" will enrich the US economy.

Imports from China have robbed US workers of their work.
"Unauthorized migration" still does not rob the workers of the United States.
President Donald Trump just says, "They are criminals."

"Special zones" are "zones" mainly to return production from China and other countries to the United States.
Therefore, it does not rob the workers of the United States.
Products produced in the "special zone" are mainly labor-intensive assembly products.
Parts for assembly are purchased from conventional plants in the United States.
Therefore, transferring production from China to the United States will increase the work of American workers.

For that purpose, what a US "business owner" should do is "Scrap & Build" of factory equipment.
For example, “Steel materials” shipped to automobile factories in “Special Zones” must be cheap and good quality “Steel materials”.
I think that "Rust Belt's Steel Factory" will be reborn by "Scrap & Build".
Allies cooperate and thrive on the "special zone".
The "special zones" built in European countries are the same as the "special zones" in the United States.
By doing this, I believe that allies will again be able to co-exist with the United States.
If President Donald Trump does not carry out, expect it to be the next president.
We need a "zone" to protect freedom and democracy, not for President Donald Trump.

Part 2. We propose to build "special zones" in each country, including Europe.
Please read along with the proposal for the United States (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Please see.

The prosperity of each country is realized by the freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law" of the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law.
Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.

Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name http://www.miraico.jp/Bridgetohumanrights/  and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

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