
Dear Sirs International people. Saturday Edition, June 1, 2019:Dear Sir, On May 26, at the Japan-US Summit Meeting, President Donald Trump watched "The Grand Sumo". In the US media he is "a bad reputation" as having beat "a lot of" gracious etiquette bienseance ". The leaders of each country need "manner" to protect the culture of the other country. He will come to Japan again in June with the G20.

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday Edition, June 1, 2019:Dear Sir, On May 26, at the Japan-US Summit Meeting,
President Donald Trump watched "The Grand Sumo".
In the US media he is "a bad reputation" as having beat "a lot of" gracious etiquette bienseance ".
The leaders of each country need "manner" to protect the culture of the other country.
He will come to Japan again in June with the G20.

Part 1. In the "Masu seat" where "Zabuton" is usually laid, "sofa" is arranged specially.
In order for Mr. Trump to rise to "Dohyo" for "award" of "US President's Cup",
"temporary" "staircase" was also prepared.
In "spectating" of "Grand Sumo", "Kokugikan" broke "the culture of sumo wrestling"
and welcomed him with an unusual "response".

With over 100 police officers alerting the inside and outside of the “Kokugikan”,
the security system has become unparalleled in the past,
but it was not always welcomed by the general audience.
Nearly 10 SPs behind them were guarding while standing.
As a result, it became difficult for the audience at the back to see the ground floor,
and "booing" began to fly, such as "I can not see it."
In addition, some groups "be Sit down !, be Sit down!",
They started be of Sit down "Chorus".
Suddenly, a security person spoke something to the group who was raising a voice,
and the chorus ceased.
The SP people also lowered their waist, so they didn't get any more trouble.
There was also a danger that handguns would be used if the "trouble" grew.
The White House staff is wrong in "recognition" for "handguns".
If a gun is used, Japan will definitely become “anti-US”.

The audience usually sit on a "cushion" called "Zabuton" on the "ground",
but they were given a "chair" to Trump and his wife Melania.
The "Japan Sumo Association" barred "to throw" "Zabuton" for safety measures.
When people go up to "Dohyo", it is a rule to go up with "barefoot".
However, "Trump President" got on "Dohyo" wearing "slippers".
And he "gives" the winner "award".
It's crazy!
Furthermore, he did not seem to be concentrating on the "game" of "Trump President"
and did not respond to some "dramatic scenes".
President Trump should have studied and watched the culture of 'sumo'.
"Dohyo" is a sacred place and "sumo" is a sacred ritual dedicated to "Japanese gods".

The security system was also very strict,
and the Japanese people were subject to many restrictions.
Many people say, "I do not want you to come to Japan again."
Leaders of each country should understand that when visiting the other country,
the security will cause much inconvenience to the lives of the people of the other country.
Therefore, the period of stay should be short.
And please do not do "manor" that would destroy the culture of the other country.
Then, President Trump should not say that "the Japan-US trade talks will be held
in August (after the election is over)."
It is East Asian culture that people do not say even if they think in their hearts.

Part 2. There are many Koreans who have been arrested
for immigration law violations in violation of international law.
(I can not count).
Koreans, Chinese, Filipinos, "everyone" all over the world!
Help the victims of the Japanese government around you!

The victims are foreigners who "worked illegally"
in activities other than "Certificate of residence" in Japan.
They were arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act and
We have received "criminal punishment" such as "a penalty sentence".
And they are foreigners who have been forced to repatriate.

We arrest a third party for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me or "Kin Gungaku who is Chinese".
Other victims are officials from the Embassy of the Philippines and diplomats
from the Philippines.
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.

It is a third party who has handed out the “contract documents
for employment” to foreigners who have “illegal labor”.
It has nothing to do with "illegal labor."
The prosecution says in Indictment:

I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the status of residence
by attaching “Employment Contract Documents with False Content”.
Foreigners came to live in Japan because they got “Certificate of residence”.
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
Therefore, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal labor"
of the immigration control law of foreigners,
We apply "the crime that supported other crimes" of "Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code".

"Sins of support" for Article 70 "illegal labor" of the Immigration Control Act
It prescribes in "the crime which promotes unlawful work".

The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated in Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Status of Residence by Filing False Documents".
There is no punishment for that. Only the status of residence is cancelled.
And "forced repatriation" will be.

Even if you get a status of residence in "false documents",
It is not "illegal labor" if it works within the scope of the status of residence.
The application of Article 62 and Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
and the Philippine diplomat is an error of the "applicable law".
This is the perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "restoration of honor" and "reparations".

If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government,
request an investigation from the ICC.
There are many victims all over the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The documents are below.

The above translated document is incorrect, please contact us by email.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Nagano Yoshihiro


For uncertainties, please contact

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