
To everyone in the world June 15, 2019 Special Zone Saturday Edition: Dear Sirs, "Astronomical" investment will be made from all over the world to "Special Zone". In the "special zone", "construction rush" continues for a long time. And capital investment is done. The US can now recover the world's factories from China. This makes "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

To everyone in the world

June 15, 2019 Special Zone Saturday Edition:
Dear Sirs, "Astronomical" investment will be made from all over the world to "Special Zone". In the "special zone", "construction rush" continues for a long time. And capital investment is done. The US can now recover the world's factories from China. This makes "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Part 1. All areas along the border with Mexico are called "special zones".
All areas "along the border" with a "width" of more than 100 km from the border with Mexico.
We accept temporary immigrants by limiting them to "special zones".
This will prevent "wars" with the general "American people".
It is prohibited for "temporary immigration" to move out of "special zone".
Therefore, "special zones" are surrounded by "walls" and "fences".
The "wall" with the Mexican border is part of it.
We will build many factories in the "special zone".
Many companies that have made inroads into China will build factories in the "special zone".
Temporary immigrants who committed a crime are immediately "Deportation".
For that purpose, "the police right" is under the control of the White House.
It can not be manufactured only by "temporary immigration".
Skilled workers and production engineers are employed in "special zones".

Temporary immigration.
We accept the world's poor and refugees as temporary immigrants.
I work as a low-wage worker in "a factory" etc. in a special zone.
Basically, you will return to your home country after your period of residence. Good temporary immigrants can be “permanent” by “renewing”.
As temporary immigrant who worked for a certain period in a special zone factory,
Temporary immigrants who have judged that they can co-exist with their own people are recognized as "labor immigrants".
"Labor migrants" can "work freely" anywhere.
The "illegal immigration" of the current "illegal stay" is now "legalized".

The existing industrial area will be the latest plant by "Scrap build".
Therefore, a large amount of capital investment is made every year.
The existing industrial area will be a manufacturing plant for products using the latest technology.
The state-of-the-art parts are sent to the "special zone".
It is connected with the "special zone" factory and supply chain.

"Temporary immigration" will be a "Contributor" of "the greatest profit" in the United States.
American products are shipped from the "special zone" to the United States and abroad.
Consumption of “temporary immigration” boosts US GDP.
The United States can compete more favorably than China by having a "special zone".
Next, China will "defend" China with "additional tariffs" on "US products".
This is "pleasant." But this is not a dream.
If Donald Trump does not challenge, the Americans should choose a new “great president”.

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. To the United States, I "propose" to build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico.
April 13, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition: Please see.

The reality of Japan's immigration policy is worse than in the United States.
Japanese immigration law is similar to American immigration law.
The prosperity of America is realized by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law" in the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.
There are also many American victims.

Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

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