
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Sunday edition, August 11, 2019: Dear Sirs, “Preferential treatment as a developing country” such as China and Korea should be stopped. President Donald Trump's anger is natural! WTO member countries are crazy. The WTO reform should be accelerated!

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

Sunday edition, August 11, 2019:
Dear Sirs, “Preferential treatment as a developing country” such as China
and Korea should be stopped. President Donald Trump's anger is natural!
WTO member countries are crazy. The WTO reform should be accelerated!

Part 1. According to the Sankei Shimbun,
President Trump said it was unreasonable for China
and other countries to receive a “preferential treatment”
from the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the 26th.
He ordered the US Trade Representative (USTR) to accelerate WTO system reform.
If the "review of institutional" "progress" is not within 90 days,
the United States unilaterally withdraws the preferential treatment of the target country,
putting pressure on member countries that are reluctant to reform.

Mr. Trump claimed on Twitter that "the richest country is a developing country."
He has been "favorable treatment" for those countries to escape the rules.
He said "This is the end!"

Mr. Trump instructed the USTR by Presidential Decree.
The presidential decree named China,
South Korea, Mexico, Singapore, etc., and pointed out
that its position as a developing country was unfair.
The USTR is instructing to use “all available means” to change the system.

If reform does not progress by the end of October, 90 days later,
it will cease to treat developing countries that USTR considers inappropriate.
There is a possibility of considering “canceling” of “preferential treatment”.

Under the WTO system,
countries that have declared themselves
as developing countries will receive preferential treatment such as exemption
from customs from developed countries, as well as exemption from trade liberalization.
The WTO, which is based on the principle of “unanimity”, has proposed a review,
but China has opposed and discussions are not progressing.
The Donald Trump administration urged reform "by a deadline".

To “promote free trade” under “WTO”, “crazy management” is not allowed.
The world should “support” President Donald Trump.

Continue to next week.

Part 2. The Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office is “crushing” the crimes of prosecutors even
in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
There are a lot of foreigners (uncountable).
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!
Victims are foreigners who “work illegally” in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.

They have been arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act
and have been subjected to "criminal dispositions" such as "a prison term sentence"
and "fine sentence". And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.
I wrote about this yesterday.

The prosecution has arrested a third party
for charges of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is "I and" Kin Gungaku who is Chinese ".
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.
The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
So, as a crime against foreigner's Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor”,
“Sinners supporting other crimes” of “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” apply.

The “Sin of Support” against Article 70 “Illegal Labor”
of the Immigration Control Act is stipulated in “Sin Promoting Unlawful Employment”
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status of Residence
by Submitting False Documents”.
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.
Even if you obtain a status of residence with "false documents",
it is not "illegal labor" if you work within the scope of "status of residence".
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in the “Applicable Law”.
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".
If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,
please request an investigation from ICC.

There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate, so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!

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