
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Sunday edition, September 29, 2019: Dear Sir, The British Supreme Court concludes that it is illegal to close the assembly. Will the Supreme Court “turn off the referendum to leave the EU”? President Macron says he should respect the will of the referendum. I agree. In this situation, the UK will never make a “congressional conclusion”. The Supreme Court killed Britain! Queen Elizabeth will mourn.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

Sunday edition, September 29, 2019: Dear Sir,
The British Supreme Court concludes that it is illegal to close the assembly.
Will the Supreme Court “turn off the referendum to leave the EU”?
President Macron says he should respect the will of the referendum.
I agree. In this situation, the UK will never make a “congressional conclusion”.
The Supreme Court killed Britain! Queen Elizabeth will mourn.

Part 1. Prime Minister Johnson “falls into predicament”.
It's already having no choice.
Most of the ruling, conservative,
and opposition parties say that they want to avoid leaving without agreement.
This is great.
However, it is “stagnant” because “cannot leave” in agreement with the EU.
They don't understand that the cause is in the UK.
Many opposition politicians say that the referendum on whether to leave the EU should be repeated.
However, this means that Britain “discards” “democracy”.
Congress ignores the “people ’s will” that the people have decided.
If the parliament ignores the will of the people, the referendum is repeated.
The British parliament should return to democratic rules.

There is “Sennitite” in “Shogi” in Japan.
Let me introduce.
In “Syogi”, the placement of the pieces, the type and number of the “held pieces”
of both players, and “Move” appear “Sennitite”
when “exactly the same” appears “four times in one game”.
When it becomes “Sennitite”, “That game” is changed to “I did not”.
In case of “Syogi”, “Rematch = Sasinaosi” will be played.
The British Parliament says "Let's do Sennitite".

Some lawmakers argued that if it turns out that Prime Minister Johnson had led the Queen
in the wrong direction, he should resign.
But instead, what kind of method do you say?
In Japan, according to the constitution, the “Emperor” has the right to dissolve the Diet.
Prime Minister Abe advises the “Emperor” to dissolve.

Looking at the British Parliament,
“the Constitution of Japan made by the Allied Forces” is “useful”.

British parliamentarians should “preparedness”.
The parliament chose a “voting for people”.
The public chose “Leaving the EU”.

The solution to this situation should be left to "Prime Minister Johnson".
“Option” is “eu withdrawal without agreement”.

Continue to next week.

Part 2. The Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office is “crushing” the crimes
of prosecutors even in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
There are a lot of foreigners (uncountable).
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!
Victims are foreigners who “work illegally”
in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.

They have been arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act and have been subjected to "criminal dispositions" such as "a prison term sentence" and "fine sentence".
And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.
I wrote about this yesterday.

The prosecution has arrested a third party for charges
of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is "I and" Kin Gungaku who is Chinese ".
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.
The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
So, as a crime against foreigner's Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor”,
“Sinners supporting other crimes” of “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” apply.

The “Sin of Support” against Article 70 “Illegal Labor”
of the Immigration Control Act is stipulated in “Sin Promoting Unlawful Employment”
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status of Residence
by Submitting False Documents”.
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.
Even if you obtain a status of residence with "false documents",
it is not "illegal labor" if you work within the scope of "status of residence".
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in "Applicable Law"
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".
If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,
please request an investigation from ICC.

There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate, so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

The “war time laborers problem” during the war can only be resolved
by the Japan-Korea Convention.
Korea should say unsolved problems.
There are Koreans who have entered Japan for “international students” and “work”.
The Koreans who have been punished for violating the Immigration Law should be rescued.
"Innumerable Koreans" have been sacrificed.
The Korean government should ask the Japanese government
for their “recovery of honor” and “compensation”.

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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