
Proposal from Japanese October 05, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition: “The prosperity of the United States must be the prosperity of allies.” Dear Sir, October 1, China's "Xi Jinping (head of state. Xi Jinping)," said that there is no "countries such as threaten China". And he showed off the military power to destroy the US mainland instantly. The US is not “when playing” with North Korea. It's not "when fighting with Iran". The first thing the US should do is stop sending salt to China. “Allies” should be regained.

Proposal from Japanese

October 05, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition: “The prosperity of the United States must be the prosperity of allies.”
Dear Sir,
October 1, China's "Xi Jinping (head of state. Xi Jinping)," said that there is no "countries such as threaten China". And he showed off the military power to destroy the US mainland instantly. The US is not “when playing” with North Korea. It's not "when fighting with Iran". The first thing the US should do is stop sending salt to China. “Allies” should be regained.

Part 1. “Sending salt to China” means “sending salt to the enemy”. It ’s a beautiful story.
During Japan's Sengoku period, “Takeda Shingen” was “economic blocked” by “Oumi no Imagawa” and “Sagami no Hojo”.
So “Takeda Shingen” was “difficulty” due to “salt shortage”.
This is a Japanese proverb that Kenshin Uesugi, who had been hostile for many years, sent salt to Shingen Takeda and helped him.
Now, the United States has no “financial power” to send dollars to China.
If you have “financial power” in the United States, you should not demand “money” from your allies.

Continuing from last week. "America where 8 million people work illegally, why it doesn't change easily"
A worker working at a construction site in San Francisco.
While the Trump administration has promised to eliminate these inflows of illegal workers, the US economy is increasingly dependent on them.
`` March 10, 2015, Jason Henry / © 2018 The New York Times ''

Historically, the management of the Mexican border, a major influx of immigrants, has been "always operated by economic needs," Tilly said.
But the Trump administration has restricted illegal cross-borders in every way, and now the factor of economic necessity is disappearing.

Giovanni Peri, an economist studying migrant labor at the University of California at Davis, asserted that the US economy would shrink if she really blocked off illegal immigrants.
If the immigration is cut off, the issue of immigration alone will not be enough.
Peri says, because the jobs in which many Americans work are supported by immigrants.

For example, sectors such as construction, agriculture, housing, and private sales will shrink dramatically,” Pelli says.
There will be a series of companies that are going out of business or moving. Some people will lose their jobs. There will be cities and towns where half of the population will disappear,” he said.
It will definitely trigger a recession.” He said so.

In the agricultural field, mechanization is progressing to make up for the shortage of workers, and investment is being made in robots.
The lettuce field in Salinas Valley, California, has been harvested one by one using human hands, but it has been automated with the advent of the latest machines, and romaine lettuce is piled up one after another.
The above is "Posted on January 28, 2019, Asahi Shimbun Globe +"
"(Miriam Jordan) © 2018 The New York Times" is quoted.

China has 1.3 billion or 1.5 billion people. The US exceeded 300 million.
Generally, population growth is thought to lead to economic growth.
If people increase, demand for clothing, food and housing will increase, and consumption will increase.
An increase in the labor force will increase the country's productivity, which can lead to economic growth.

I think it is necessary to accept at least 100 million “provisional immigrants” in the “special zone”.

Of the developed countries, only the United States continues to “increase” the “population”. And the economy is growing.
The cause is an increase in the population due to "acceptance of immigrants" and "birthist jus soli".

The same applies to “European countries”.
Accept refugees in a "special zone" rather than unconditionally.
They work only in “special zones”.
And give a "working visa" to a safe "provisional immigrant" that is "familiar with life".
And they need to be sent to the “area where the general public lives”.

Will continue tomorrow

Part 2. In the United States, I “suggest” to build a “special zone” along the border with Mexico.
See April 13, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition.

Japan's immigration policy is worse than the United States.
Japanese immigration law is similar to American immigration law.
America's prosperity is realized by the world being free, democratic, and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please instruct the person concerned to investigate.
There are many American victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.
I agree to disclose my name and necessary information.
Please ask questions by e-mail if you are unsure.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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