
To President Trump 2019-10-04: Dear Sir,I have also appealed to the Diet members. Some parliamentarians are intimidating, “Stop sending all emails!” This is the “disturbance” of “National Rights”. This has already been reported to "Everyone". This is evidence that Japan is not “governed under the law”.

To President Trump

2019-10-04: Dear Sir,
I am performing “accusation” as a “national right”
according to the “Criminal Procedure Law”.
However, the prosecution does not accept the “letter of complaint”
and appeals to the international community.
I have also appealed to the Diet members.
Some parliamentarians are intimidating, “Stop sending all emails!”
This is the “disturbance” of “National Rights”.
This has already been reported to "Everyone".
This is evidence that Japan is not “governed under the law”.

Part 1. Since I came out of prison,
I have sought help from many political parties
and many members of the Diet by letter and email.
However, some parliamentarians will "suppress" me by saying,
"Stop all emails for the legislator!"

I am calling for “governance under the law” based on Article 31
of the Constitution of Japan.
The Constitution of Japan
Article 31. No person shall be deprived of his life or freedom
or be punished by any other punishment unless he follows the procedures prescribed by law.
Article 31.No person shall be deprived of life or liberty,
nor shall any other criminal penalty be imposed,
except according to procedure established by law.

"Procedure defined by the law" refers to the "law" established by the Diet.
That's why I am appealing to the legislator who enacted the law.
“Indicted” and “judged” for reasons that are clearly different
from the legislation enacted by the Diet.
The court is "separated by three powers" and is independent,
but the public prosecutor's office is a government administrative organization.
Parliamentarians should “correct” the government
by pursuing “judicial administration” that is distinctly different
from “legislation of the Diet”.

I have appealed to many "political parties" and "congressmen" by letter and email.
But they are “ignoring”.
This too is not a “governance under the law”.

See “Article 239, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code”.
Article 239 Article 239
1 Any number of people can file a charge when they think there is a crime.
(1) Any person who believes that an offense has been committed may file an accusation.
2. An official or public official shall make a charge
when he / she believes that there is a crime by performing his / her duties.
(2) A government official or local government official must file an accusation
when they believe an offense has been committed.

Parliamentarians are also included in the “official or public sector”.
The lawmakers are required to “accuse”.
But there is no “penalty”.
This is the reality of Japanese “governance under the law”.
If everyone in the international community makes a loud voice,
they will all be “resigned”.

For English text of the Criminal Procedure Law, please see below. "
Code of Criminal Procedure (Part I and Part II)

Continue to next week.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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