
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion November 17, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Dear Sir, In order for the United States to become the world champion, the border region of Mexico should be a “special zone”. Special zones should accept “refugees” and “immigrants” from Latin America and around the world. The number is over 100 million. Maybe hundreds of millions. As the number of people increases, GDP increases. The prosperity of the United States is visible.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

November 17, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Dear Sir,
In order for the United States to become the world champion, the border region of Mexico should be a “special zone”. Special zones should accept “refugees” and “immigrants” from Latin America and around the world. The number is over 100 million. Maybe hundreds of millions. As the number of people increases, GDP increases. The prosperity of the United States is visible.

Part 1. There will be a shortage of US agricultural production to cover more than 100 million people.
A long time ago, there will be a lot of agricultural products, and “story that has been bought” by China and Japan will become “laughing story”.

Finally, I propose to President Trump what he hates.
The United States should introduce a system in which “everyone has public health insurance” like Japan.
The financial source is "Federal consumption tax".
You should “kick back” cash for “poor Americans”.
Then, you should introduce a “public pension system” that exceeds the Japanese system.
A “rich American” will not be “born” without helping a “poor American”.
Everything is for the happiness of the “American”.
The US also needs a “socialist policy”.
This is the “tide” of the world.

This is common to the UK and EU.
In economics, the basic logic is to enrich the country by increasing the population.
In developed countries, apart from government policies, the public wants a declining birthrate.
I think this is related to the social advancement of women.

To increase the population in a short period of time, accept “refugees” and “immigrants”.
I think the German “aim” that accepted many immigrants and refugees was also here.
However, the EU and the UK experienced the “results of failure” that accepted “refugees” and “immigrants” from different cultures.
President Trump says the number of “criminals” has increased.

In order to solve such problems, we are proposing a “special zone”.
A “special zone” is an area surrounded by walls and “fences”.
Traffic to other areas is not possible.
We accept "provisional immigration" for a certain period.
Temporary immigrants work as “simple workers” in factories in “special zones”.
Families should be allowed.
Temporary immigrants” who have worked for a certain period in the “special zone” are recognized as “regular labor migrants” in the host country.
Dangerous persons” that President Trump is worried about will not be recognized as “regular labor migrants”
They are “forced to leave the country”.
The “real purpose” of developed countries is the acceptance of low-wage workers.
This wins the competition with low-wage countries such as China.
As consumers, they increase the country's GDP.
Temporary immigrants” in “special zones” do not take away the work of workers in each country.
Rather, increase the work of workers in each country.
Like the policy of a socialist state,
This is because, as a nation, the supply chain between the “special zone” and the “existing industrial zone” is designed, and the manufactured items of the “special zone” are designed in advance.
These socialist policies are necessary as “modified capitalism”.
In the future, I think that countries that have accepted many “refugees” and “immigrants” will lead the world economy.

Continue to next week.

Part 2. We propose to build “special zones” in Europe and other countries.
Please read along with suggestions to the US (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Please see

Prosperity of each country is realized by the world being free, democratic, and “ruled under the law”.
I seriously seek the rule of law.
Please instruct the person concerned to investigate.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

I agree to disclose my name and necessary information.
Please ask questions by e-mail if you are unsure.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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