
Opinion of justice March 01, 2020: The new immigration system in the UK is "crazy". Sunday version. Dear Sirs, The British Home Office announced on February 18 a new immigration system following Britain's withdrawal from the EU. It is my impression.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

March 01, 2020: The new immigration system in the UK is "crazy". Sunday version. Dear Sirs,
The British Home Office announced on February 18 a new immigration system following Britain's withdrawal
from the EU. It is my impression.
Britain wants unlimited excellent foreigners.
So, does the UK become a country where the British work at low wages under excellent foreigners?
Have you been deceived by the Conservative Party? Better yet,
you should make parliamentarians and prime ministers excellent foreigners.

Part 1. The new point-based immigration system,
which will come into force on January 1, next year, will allow employers in the UK to move away
from relying on "cheap labor" from Europe.
It encourages you to "invest" in "retention of staff" and "development of automation technology".
The theory is great, but it seems that you have lost sight of reality.

This is a BBC article on February 19, 2020.

There is room for flexibility in some systems.
However, it remains questionable whether it is enough to prevent labor shortages
and corporate outflows overseas.
The Labor Party, the largest opposition party,
argued that a "hostile environment" would make it more difficult to attract labor.
But Interior Minister Pretty Patel explains that the new system means "the smartest
and best people can come to England."
The UK government, which aims to reduce the overall number of immigrants,
wants to introduce a "point-based" immigration system pledged by general election pledges.
The UK Home Care Association (UKHCA) points out that the lack of measures
for low-wage workers is "irresponsible" under the proposed new immigration system.
A spokeswoman said the UKHCA was "disillusioned" by a government decision.
UKHCA added an explanation.
With the new immigration system, cutting off the prospective supply
of care workers will lead more people to wait unnecessarily at hospitals or "go without care".

I'm proposing a "special zone" for British people to work with high incomes.
I'm proposing a "worker-first society" in the UK.
In order for a British person to earn a high income,
a "low-paying foreigner (immigrant)" who works under the British person is required.
Foreigners need a special zone in order to get used to English and "lifestyle".
Will BBC reporters also become foreigners? .
I can not believe that!

It will continue next week.

Part 2. Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "rule under the law."
I am seriously seeking the "rule of law".
"Illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law" has caused many victims in the world.
For details, see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Instruct the relevant parties to investigate.
There are many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many Philippine victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

You can see past emails below.

If you have any questions, please ask a question by email.
Kind regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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