
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion March 22, 2020: The WHO opinion is not credible. Please, President Trump "verify" that "Wuhan virus" is "the grounds not to be infected" with "trade goods". Saturday version. Dear Sirs, Looking at the situation of “furious infections” in Europe, I think that the “route of infection” is not just “the traffic of people”. It is too late after it occurs. Please do "verification" to reassure Americans and the world.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

March 22, 2020: The WHO opinion is not credible. Please, President Trump "verify" that "Wuhan virus" is "the grounds not to be infected" with "trade goods". Saturday version. Dear Sirs,
Looking at the situation of “furious infections” in Europe, I think that the “route of infection” is not just “the traffic of people”. It is too late after it occurs. Please do "verification" to reassure Americans and the world.

Part 1. "President Donald Trump" has no impact on trade.
Corrected some of the "contents" of the Speech, saying that the restrictions would stop people
from moving, not stop goods.

Japan's Ministry of Health,
 Labor and Welfare has conducted the following QA in the "Q & A on New Coronavirus (for General Public)".
"Question" Are you infected by "Luggage such as letters and imported food" sent from "Places"
(foreign and domestic) where the infected person was found?
Answer: There are currently no reports of human transmission of the new coronavirus
from contact with goods shipped from China or elsewhere where the virus was found.
WHO also generally states that coronaviruses cannot survive
for long periods of time with things like letters and luggage.


New research on the new coronavirus (official name: COVID-19) suggests
that if the virus is similar to other viruses of its kind,
it will survive for a week or more on the “object surface” there is a possibility.
The research results were published in the journal Journal of Hospital Infection.

A German research group has stated that the virus "retains infectivity"
for up to nine days on surfaces such as doorknobs and tables.

The Government of Japan has irresponsibly responded in accordance with the WHO guidelines.
To date, the WHO has made all statements "after the outbreak." Therefore, I cannot trust it.
To prevent further infection, the route of infection should be scientifically verified.
President Trump, please verify. Please.

It will continue next week.

Part 2. Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "rule under the law."
I am seriously seeking the "rule of law".
"Illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law" has caused many victims in the world.
For details, see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Instruct the relevant parties to investigate.
There are many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many Philippine victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

You can see past emails below.

If you have any questions, please ask a question by email.
Kind regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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