
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion April 19, 2020: Countries around the world should move away from China! Sunday version. Dear Sirs, The "new coronavirus" continues to ruin the world economy. Countries around the world, including Japan, have invested huge taxes to contain the "new coronavirus." However, it is impossible for tax input to last for years and decades. Countries around the world should co-exist with the New Coronavirus and create a new economic society. In order to do so, we should separate high-risk China.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 19, 2020: Countries around the world should move away from China! Sunday version. Dear Sirs,
The "new coronavirus" continues to ruin the world economy. Countries around the world, including Japan, have invested huge taxes to contain the "new coronavirus." However, it is impossible for tax input to last for years and decades. Countries around the world should co-exist with the New Coronavirus and create a new economic society. In order to do so, we should separate high-risk China.

Part 1. President Trump called the "new coronavirus" a "China virus."
But China says the virus was brought in by the U.S. military.

Wouldn't most of the Japanese think that President Trump's remark was "adult"?
But from an information warfare perspective, Trump is acting right.
"Overlooking" China's "U.S. Army Origin Theory" could lead to "If you notice,
the U.S. Army Origin Theory has become a globally established theory."
This is as if the "Nanjing 300,000 Massacre Theory"
and "Korean Comfort Women 200,000 Forced Entrainment Theory" were established in the world.
So, Pompeo “planned” to “increase” the “friends” of the “information war”.
In other words, increase the number of countries that call the "new coronavirus" the "Wuhan virus."
There are also "China Information Pyramid" and "Kremlin Information Pyramid" in the world.
In particular, in the "China Information Pyramid",
there is even a "possibility" in which the "U.S. military origin theory" becomes a "conventional theory".
Why is that possible?
In China, the Communist Party controls the media, so you can "brainwash" the people as you like.

Thus, it is no use to "trade" with China anymore.
It is important that developed countries have no relationship with China.
The Communist Party nation is a completely different society from developed countries.

The United States should cut off its ties not only with China,
but also with nations with close ties to China, as evidenced by the transmission of the "new corona".
For example, Japan, Italy, Germany.
However, if the United States makes a decision,
I think Japan, Italy, Germany, etc. will refuse ties with China and choose the United States.
To do that, listen to my suggestions.
1) “Scrap & Build” of the existing factory in the “Rusted Belt Zone”.
2) Build a labor-intensive factory zone with a special zone along the Mexican border.
See past proposals for details.
The "alliance attractiveness" to the United States is
that the United States should import many products from "allies".
You should stop importing from China. And it is important to "import from allies."

The spread of the new coronavirus has warned countries this year
that they will "fall into the worst recession since the Great Depression."

The United States should take bigger measures than the New Deal Policy.
This should be a big controversy in the US presidential election.
The same is true not only in the United States but also in countries
where the economy has been hurt by the "New Corona".

It will continue next week.

Part 2. Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "rule under the law."
I am seriously seeking the "rule of law".
"Illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law" has caused many victims worldwide.
For details, see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Instruct the relevant parties to investigate.
There are many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many Philippine victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

You can see past emails below.

If you have any questions, please ask a question by email.
Kind regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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