
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion April 26, 2020: “Each country” should “restart economic activity”! If economic activity is not resumed, the state will collapse due to corporate bankruptcy and unemployment. Sunday version. Dear Sir,

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 26, 2020: “Each country” should “restart economic activity”! If economic activity is not resumed, the state will collapse due to corporate bankruptcy and unemployment. Sunday version. Dear Sir,

Abbott Laboratories of the United States has begun shipping "antibody test" kits.
I can't see when the "new coronavirus" will end. But we should “restart economic activity”.
The international community cannot take any more “China risk”.
We should “rebuild” the “safe and secure global economy” by excluding China! ‥

Part 1. For politicians, at this time, I think the "risk of resuming economic activity" is high.
However, the "risk of stopping economic activity" is "more" greater.
I think President Trump's "decision" is a "courageous decision."

On the 16th, US President Trump has released guidelines for resuming economic activity
by relaxing the restrictions on going out that he has introduced in measures against the new coronavirus.
Conservatives, who are the support base,
were dissatisfied with the administration's policy of uniformly restricting employment and going out,
and it seemed to encourage the early resumption.
Criticism was conspicuous for large-scale economic measures including relief of large companies,
and Mr. Trump was forced to consider conservatives for the presidential election in November.
The states with the highest number of infected people in the United States include Michigan,
Pennsylvania, and Florida, which are the battlefields for the presidential election in November.
If the "New Corona Countermeasures" are mistaken, "
materials" to "criticize" President Trump will be given to "former Vice President Biden of the Democratic Party".
Therefore, there is a risk that the administration of the government will be hurt.

In response to the spread of the new coronavirus infection,
the United States will make a total of $ 2 trillion in fiscal spending.
Unless economic activity is resumed immediately,
a total of $ 2 trillion of fiscal spending will be required every few months.
But this is not possible.

We have begun shipping "antibody test" kits that support the resumption of economic activities.
I think it will protect American workers.

Abbott plans to ship approximately 1 million test kits to US customers in the coming days.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is already using Abbott, Mesa Biotech, Cepheid,
and others to enable faster point-of-care (POC) diagnosis. Approves the developed rapid test kit.

Former Democratic candidate Vice President Biden should support the "resumption of economic activity."
And each country should resume "economic activity".

It will continue next week.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek "rule of law".
There are many victims worldwide due to “illegal punishment” of “violation of the Immigration Control Act”.
For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.
There are also many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

Past emails can be viewed below.

If you have any questions, please email us.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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