
He was arrested for "supporting other crimes." "Diplomatic officer" fled to "Philippines" before "arrest." (Same as Carlos Ghosn).

2020-05-25: Dear Sir,
The prosecutor's "# acceptance of complaint" should be mandatory. " # The prosecutor's crime is "I want to get away with murder".
Japan is in a turmoil about the proposed amendment to the Public Prosecutor's Law that allows prosecutors to extend their retirement age.
However, parliamentarians are not interested in the "non-acceptance" of the "complaint letter of complaint ...", which is a complaint of crime.
Refusal is #case shelving ”.
 # A system should be established for all people to seek equal trial.
 # Parliamentarians, prosecutors, former prosecutors, who are against the revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law
 And celebrities should make "acceptance nonacceptance" a problem.

In 2012 and 2013, there was an “incident” of “violation of the Immigration Control Act” of “similar to us” at the Philippine Embassy.
At this time, the "Diplomatic officers and employees of the Philippine embassy" are responsible for
He was arrested for "supporting other crimes."
"Diplomatic officer" fled to "Philippines" before "arrest." (Same as Carlos Ghosn).


Please see today's "SNS post".

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