
Opinion of justice I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines". Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and International Law" in violation of the Immigration Control Act. The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages." China, Japan and South Korea are “Confucian countries” and have the same “ideas for human rights”. Please help us The materials are below. http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/

2020-05-14: Dear Sir,
Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure".
I think that the cause is that "the product is made in China" is "greater" than the "effect of the new coronavirus."
"Brooks Brothers" is also made in China.
It's crazy that the US president is wearing a "made in China" "business suit"
and becomes a "Chinese advertising tower.""America first" is a lie.

The history of the Brooks Brothers, which was used by 40 of the 45 presidents

Please see today's "SNS post".

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".
Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and International Law" in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages."
China, Japan and South Korea are “Confucian countries” and have the same “ideas for human rights”.
Please help us The materials are below.

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2025/03/14:على الشركات التي تبني مصانع في "المنطقة الخاصة على الحدود المكسيكية" أن تبني مصنعين. أحدهما يطل على البحر الكاريبي، والآخر يُصدّر إلى دول المحيط الهادئ مثل أوروبا وأفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية.

 ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٥: طبعة أيام الأسبوع، [نيبون تي في: صباح الأحد] السيارات الأمريكية لا تُباع في اليابان لضعف استهلاكها للوقود. هل "الحاجز غي...