
President Trump recaptured "world factory" from China, Workers on the "Rust Belt" should be given a "income job" said to be "good to be born in Amelia".

2020-05-26: Dear Sir,
President Trump "Remember, Rust Belt". The "revival of the manufacturing industry" remains.
The US says it will halve its income tax by attracting foreign companies!
More support should be given to companies that transfer manufacturing in China to the United States.
"Elimination of trade deficit with China", "Increase in employment of US workers due to revival of manufacturing industry",
"Corona response" and "support" of "economy" are all good things.
Each country should also move its factories from China to its own country.

President Trump recaptured "world factory" from China,
Workers on the "Rust Belt" should be given a "income job" said to be "good to be born in Amelia".

Please see today's "SNS post".

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