#Opinion of justice President Trump should do what he promised me June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up! This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good." President Trump defends the "white policeman" of the murderer. He "does not understand human rights." Trump's approval rating plummeted to 38%, widening to 14 points from former Vice President Biden. Trump was too affected by the Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo. The three are on the brink of defeat.

President Trump should do what he promised me

June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!
This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good." President Trump defends the "white policeman" of the murderer. He "does not understand human rights." Trump's approval rating plummeted to 38%, widening to 14 points from former Vice President Biden. Trump was too affected by the Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo. The three are on the brink of defeat.

Part 1. "Separation" against Trump continues from the "military leader" of the US military,
 Christian evangelicals, and Republicans.
The "BLM (Black Lives Matter, black lives are important)" movement that spread throughout the United States.
It spread throughout the world, and riots and looting were also widely reported.
As a result of the latest CNN TV poll, the Trump camp has a tremor.
This approval rating is at the same level as former Carter, who was unable to re-election, 
and former President Bush (father) at the same time.
The Trump camp demanded that CNN apologize and withdraw, saying "the investigation was a fake", 
but the CNN side counterattacked it...

According to a May 23 newspaper survey, 
the Abe administration's approval rating dropped by 13 points from the previous survey to 27%. 
The survey by Asahi Shimbun on May 23 and May 24 was 29%, 
the lowest since the inauguration of the second Abe administration. 
"The person who has experience as a minister" of the Liberal Democratic Party "is affected 
by Mr. Kurokawa's problem." He sighs, "It was unexpected."
However, the scandals of the Abe Cabinet continue after this.
"Distrust of the public" is increasing with regard to "sustaining business" 
and "consignment of suspicious office work" related to the new corona.
On June 18, the former suspect, Katsuyuki Kawai, and his wife, Supreme Kawai, 
who was a member of the House of Councilors, 
were arrested on "suspicion of acquisition" over the upper house election. 
The prosecution is interested in the source of the acquisition funds.
In the election, 150 million yen was offered to Mr. Kawai by the LDP, whose prime minister is Abe.
On June 17, he "escaped" by closing the ordinary Diet session, but the Abe Cabinet is on the brink.

A major political risk approaching President Xi Jinping, a wave of unemployment in China ahead of the NPC.

President Trump says it will completely "decouple" China.
If implemented, I think poor people will rise in various parts of China.
I think there is no choice but to "decouple" China in order for President Trump to win the victory.
Of course, the US economy will also be temporarily upset.
Everyone in the world should be interested in human rights issues in China, 
Japan and the United States.

I will write tomorrow too

Part 2. Western countries need “high economic growth”.
Immigration is needed to increase GDP.
The United States needs “immigrants” to increase consumption of “excess produce”.
An "industrial complex like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States.
It is important for developed countries to constantly update their “factory equipment” 
to improve productivity compared to China.
The world's factories should be brought back from China to increase the work of "workers in their own country".
Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China.
It is important that “developed and underdeveloped countries” “collaborate” to solve the problem 
of the poor and “realize a peaceful earth”.

In the "special zone",
1) I continue to make "suggestions" that the United States will build a "special zone" along the border 
with Mexico.
2) And I continue to propose to build "special zones" in each country including Europe.
3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies.
4) Accept poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone".
5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”.
6) "Companies" of "US allies" will build labor-intensive factories in "special zones".
7) Most factory workers are "temporary immigrants."
They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”.
8) “Temporary immigrants” work for a certain period of time in “special zones” 
and those who “certify” as safe immigrants are free to work in the country as “labor immigrants”.
9) Remittances of “temporary immigrants” enrich their “homeland”.
10) “Temporary immigrants” also contribute to the economy as consumers.

Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
A person who has issued a “fake employment contract” to a foreigner 
who has performed “unqualified activities” under the Immigration Control Act is “innocent”.
The Japanese Diet has revised the Immigration Control Act of 2017 due to the point 
of view of the international community.
Since the above actions could not be punished in the past, 
we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of Immigration Control Act".
Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."
However, the Japanese government has not restored the victim's honor or compensated.
Japan's ruling and opposition parties have been hiding this fact and ignoring it.
In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 
under the Immigration Control Act Article 70 “Activities outside their status” are “innocent”.
The reason is that “the person who hired them illegally” was not punished 
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
Foreigners therefore violate international law that prohibits Article 14 of the Japanese Constitution,
"Equality under the Law," and arbitrary "Punishment."
There are many victims in the world.
Please support them.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Documents to be submitted to ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)

If you have any questions, please email us.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



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