
All the cause is that the US continues to pass the dollar to China due to the US trade deficit with China. China will weaken if US dollar gifts are lost. US Congress should sternly say to the "Trump administration" to "decouple" China completely! And the US Congress should denounce human rights abuses in Japan.

All the cause is that the US continues to pass the dollar to China due to the US trade deficit with China.
China will weaken if US dollar gifts are lost.
US Congress should sternly say to the "Trump administration" to "decouple" China completely!
And the US Congress should denounce human rights abuses in Japan.

2020-07-17: Dear Sirs,
Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states 
that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime 
under this law against the Hong Kong SAR outside the HKSAR. It applies to." 
In other words, punishment is also applicable to the acts performed by foreigners abroad, 
and this may violate the sovereignty of other countries. 
As a result, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses him of "insulting all nations." 
The hard-liners in the US Congress have placed strict demands on the Trump administration. 
Mr Biden warned of economic sanctions on China.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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