
#Nagano Opinion July 25, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, At present, abnormal weather is occurring frequently due to global warming, but in 1973, about half a century ago, the world was suffering from abnormal weather with a cooling tendency. Grain prices soar. President Richard Nixon at the time took an urgent ban on soybean exports. This is the "ghost" that is troubling Trump today. If President Richard Nixon did not urgently ban soybean exports, now China would have no choice but to buy "soybeans" from the United States. China should thank Japan

China has grown rapidly since about 50 years ago,
Has continued to emit "CO2" and "pm2.5".
But developed countries have reduced their emissions.
China seems to be the cause of global warming.
Otherwise it is the relationship between the earth and the sun.

July 25, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,
At present, abnormal weather is occurring frequently due to global warming, but in 1973, about half a century ago, the world was suffering from abnormal weather with a cooling tendency. Grain prices soar. President Richard Nixon at the time took an urgent ban on soybean exports. This is the "ghost" that is troubling Trump today. If President Richard Nixon did not urgently ban soybean exports, now China would have no choice but to buy "soybeans" from the United States. China should thank Japan.

Part 1. Half a year has passed on July 15th since the "first stage agreement" was signed 
at the US-China trade talks.
At the end of June, the US opposed the Chinese government's enactment 
and enforcement of the "Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Law."
The implementation of the first-stage agreement is also jeopardized.
Under such circumstances, 
it is the existence of Japan's late Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka that has made China an advantage.
Please see the article on "Toyo Keizai".
"Why China "Buy" Soybeans from Brazil?
“African pig cholera calms down and demand for feed is strong”.
"Background of Brazil's willingness to export is weak currency and corona."

Furthermore (in the US-China trade war),
The article that “supporting China's tough attitude is “parting present” 
of “(former Japanese Prime Minister) Kakuei Tanaka” has become a topic.

Before the "Trade War," the "breakdown" of US exports to China was 13% by aircraft, 
9% by soybeans, and 8% by passenger cars. In 2017, 
58% of all soybeans produced in the United States were exported to China.
Soybeans can be said to be the "keystone" of trade with China.

President Richard Nixon at that time implemented an emergency ban on soybeans.
Japan was in a panic over this.
Even now, the soybean self-sufficiency rate is about 7%, 
and about 70% of imports depend on the United States.
There was a lot of fuss in Japan, saying, "Tofu can't be eaten" and "Miso is gone".

Based on this experience, Kakuei Tanaka, 
who visited Brazil as the prime minister, 
proposed a joint agricultural development project to President Ernest Geisel at the time.
Since 1979, the agricultural development cooperation project of the Cerrado area in central Brazil, 
which was a wasteland with a total area of ​​204 million hectares, has started.
It is now a huge production zone, which alone accounts for about 30% of world soybean production.

I am now proposing the construction of a "special zone" at the "US border with Mexico."
This in turn causes China to "cry".

I will write tomorrow

Part 2. Western countries need “high economic growth”.
Immigration is needed to increase GDP.
The United States needs “immigrants” to increase consumption of “excess produce”.
An "industrial park like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States.
It is important for developed countries to constantly update their “factory equipment” 
to improve productivity compared to China.
The world's factories should be reclaimed from China to increase the work of'workers in their own country'.
Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China.
It is important for the "developed and underdeveloped countries" to "collaborate" 
and "realize a peaceful earth" by solving the problems of the poor.

In the "special zone",
1) I continue to make "suggestions" 
that the United States will build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico.
2) And I continue to propose to build "special zones" in each country including Europe.
3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies.
4) Accept poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone".
5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”.
6) A "company" of "American ally" will build a labor-intensive factory in a "special zone".
7) Most factory workers are "temporary immigrants."
They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”.
8) “Temporary immigrants” work for a certain period of time 
in “special zones” and those who “certify” as safe immigrants are free to work 
in the country as “labor immigrants”.
9) Remittances of “provisional immigrants” enrich their “homeland”.
10) “Temporary immigrants” also contribute to the economy as consumers.

Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
A person who has issued a “fake employment contract” to a foreigner 
who has performed “unqualified activities” under the Immigration Control Act is “innocent”.
The Japanese Diet revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act due to the international community's point 
of view.
Since the above actions could not be punished in the past, 
we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of Immigration Control Act".
Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."
However, the Japanese government has not restored the victim's honor or compensated.
Japan's ruling and opposition parties have hidden this fact and continued to ignore it.
In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 
by the Immigration Control Act Article 70 “Activities outside their qualifications” are “innocent”.
The reason is that "the person who hired them illegally" was not punished 
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 
“equality under the law” and international law, which prohibits arbitrary “punishment”.
There are many victims in the world.
Please support them.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
For more information, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Documents to be submitted to ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)

If you have any questions, please ask by email.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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