
 #Nagano Opinion July 26, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir, Only fifty years ago, we were in a turmoil with the "cooling" of the "earth." Fifty years ago, Japan and the United States were "stronger" allies under the "Japan-US Security Treaty." However, President Richard Nixon also took an emergency ban on soybean exports to his ally Japan. It was a counterattack of "Remember Pearl Harbor". However, the Japanese counterattacked the United States without a war. That made Brazil the number one soybean producer in the world. The United States should value its allies. It is yesterday's continuation.

The Communist Party of China has stopped the economic growth of developed countries by regulating CO2.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party of China has emitted a large amount of CO2 and warmed the earth.
I don't think CO2 is the cause of global warming.
I am a minority who argues that this phenomenon is a regular phenomenon due to the effects of the sun.
If CO2 is the cause of global warming, China's CO2 emissions should be regulated immediately.
The earth is not "owned" by the "CCP only".
China should stop manipulating "stupid mankind."
"Warming" is better than "cooling" the Earth
please remember. Please read below.
China is “manipulating” the “US presidential election” with “importing agricultural products”.

July 26, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
Only fifty years ago, we were in a turmoil with the "cooling" of the "earth." Fifty years ago, Japan and the United States were "stronger" allies under the "Japan-US Security Treaty." However, President Richard Nixon also took an emergency ban on soybean exports to his ally Japan. It was a counterattack of "Remember Pearl Harbor". However, the Japanese counterattacked the United States without a war. That made Brazil the number one soybean producer in the world. The United States should value its allies. It is yesterday's continuation.

Part 1. “Soybean farmers” influence the fate of the Trump administration
Soybean emerges as the biggest focus of US-China trade friction.
US soybean farmers are shaken by trade friction with China.
I don't know if the US-China trade war "will really happen."
This is because President Trump's "next hand", which is constantly changing, cannot be read.
But one thing is clear when the United States enters a "trade war."
Many farmers will rebel against the Trump administration and the Republicans 
in the presidential election this fall.

The biggest focus of US-China trade friction is on soybeans.
Don't think it's the raw material for tofu or natto.
China will squeeze imported soybeans to meet the growing demand 
for edible oil feedstock and soybean meal, which is essential for livestock feed.

300,000 farmers benefit from exports.
US exports to China in 2017 were over $130 billion.
“Aircraft/parts” was the largest at $16.2 billion, but “grain”, 
which is dominated by soybeans, came in second with $13.7 billion.
The increase in aircraft exports this year was due to Boeing's successful export 
of 202 aircraft to China, with "grain" ranked number one in 2016.

The number of farmers benefiting from soybean exports reaches 300,000, mainly in the Midwest.
On the other hand, only a few companies, such as Boeing, can directly benefit from the aircraft.
Soybeans are the most important export products to China for the United States.

Americans and edible soybeans.
Since surpassing China's production in 1954, 
the United States has been the largest soybean producer 
in the world to date. Also, as a soybean exporter, 
it has met the world's demand for soybean, alongside the fast-growing Brazil.
However, strangely, they didn't eat soybeans at all.
It seems that soybeans are starting to be eaten recently because the health effects 
of soybeans have become known, but boiled beans and the like have not.
From the perspective of the Japanese, 
we may think that Americans are eating soybeans because soybeans are grown around us so much, 
but in the long history of soybean cultivation, Americans have grown soybeans. 
Almost no evidence of trying to eat is found.
This is the same for other soybean producing countries such as Brazil and Argentina.

Soybeans were an "exported product" for the United States.
The Trump administration should consume produce 
in the United States to protect the income of US farmers.
If you stick to soybeans, 
you should consider a strategy of commercializing soybeans 
as a raw material into so-called “manufactured meat” with US development capabilities 
and selling it in a large global market.

I will write next week as well.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the "rule under the law" of Japan.
There are many victims worldwide due to "illegal punishment" 
for "violation of the Immigration Control Act".
For more information, please see the emails on Saturdays and "Send on weekdays."
Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

Past emails can be viewed below.

If you have any questions, please ask by email.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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