
#Nagano Opinion The Communist Party of China has stopped the economic growth of developed countries by regulating CO2. Meanwhile, the Communist Party of China has emitted a large amount of CO2 and warmed the earth. I don't think CO2 is the cause of global warming. I am a minority who argues that this phenomenon is a regular phenomenon due to the effects of the sun. If CO2 is the cause of global warming, China's CO2 emissions should be regulated immediately. The earth is not "owned" by the "CCP only". China should stop manipulating "stupid mankind." "Warming" is better than "cooling" the Earth please remember. Please read below. China is “manipulating” the “US presidential election” with “importing agricultural products”.

The Communist Party of China has stopped the economic growth of developed countries by regulating CO2.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party of China has emitted a large amount of CO2 and warmed the earth.
I don't think CO2 is the cause of global warming.
I am a minority who argues that this phenomenon is a regular phenomenon due to the effects of the sun.
If CO2 is the cause of global warming, China's CO2 emissions should be regulated immediately.
The earth is not "owned" by the "CCP only".
China should stop manipulating "stupid mankind."
"Warming" is better than "cooling" the Earth
please remember. Please read below.
China is “manipulating” the “US presidential election” with “importing agricultural products”.

July 26, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
Only fifty years ago, we were in a turmoil with the "cooling" of the "earth." 
Fifty years ago, Japan and the United States were "stronger" allies under the "Japan-US Security Treaty." 
However, President Richard Nixon also took an emergency ban on soybean exports to his ally Japan. 
It was a counterattack of "Remember Pearl Harbor". 
However, the Japanese counterattacked the United States without a war. 
That made Brazil the number one soybean producer in the world. 
The United States should value its allies. It is yesterday's continuation.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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