
#正義の意見 #Opinion of justice The "GO To Travel Campaign" will start in Japan from today. Some LDP members say "GO To Trouble Campaign"! They are complaining. Many Japanese call it "GO To infection campaign". Foreign countries should never imitate Japan. When the "vaccine" is provided, the wise man will resume "great economic activity". Until then, wearing a mask to prevent "expansion" is "patriotism."

The "GO To Travel Campaign" will start in Japan from today.
Some LDP members say "GO To Trouble Campaign"! They are complaining.
Many Japanese call it "GO To infection campaign".
Foreign countries should never imitate Japan.
When the "vaccine" is provided, the wise man will resume "great economic activity".
Until then, wearing a mask to prevent "expansion" is "patriotism."

2020-07-22: Dear Sir,
With the "new Corona," China will not be able to "fulfill" the United States-made "import 
of agricultural products," which it promised to the United States, due to the economic downturn. 
For Trump, it's a lot of damage to re-election. However, 
the supportive “natural disaster reinforcements” rushed in. 
The grasshopper outbreak, which is said to occur once in 70 years, 
is expanding in South America as well as Africa and Asia. 
When starvation begins in Africa and elsewhere, 
Trump should buy excess US produce and bring it to Africa. 
President Trump will suddenly become a humanitarian god, 
and he will have an “advantage” for reelection.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.
See the indictment below. (Japanese)

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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