
#Opinion of justice You should wear a mask and "endure" "travel and other entertainment." Don't get infected with "Chinese Corona". Don't infect your "Chinese Corona" with people.

In Japan, the “Chinese Corona” infected person continues to set the highest record.
Now is the time when you need patriotism!
Until "vaccine" and "therapeutic agent" are provided,
You should wear a mask and "endure" "travel and other entertainment."
Don't get infected with "Chinese Corona". Don't infect your "Chinese Corona" with people.

2020-07-24: Dear Sir,
To protect the lives of all Americans, 
we need a "universal insurance system" like Japan! 
President Trump finally wore a "big safe mask." This is common sense! 
The Trump v. Biden "wear mask" controversy is now gone. 
The United States should have a bigger controversy. 
The United States should urgently introduce a "universal health insurance" system 
like Japan before the winter flu outbreak. 
The new coronavirus is raising concerns about medical expenses. 
There is no need for a "big government" or "small government" dispute to protect the lives of the people. 
Americans should stand up!

Part 2. Please see below for the following.
See the indictment below. (Japanese)

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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