
To President Trump The United States has finally noticed. Pompeo US Secretary of State criticized the "Xi Jinping Mr.". "He is a follower of totalitarianism." I think he's an "authoritarian," too. Both Trump and Abe have become "authoritarian". "Authoritarianism" is the "antagonism" of "democracy". The US is okay because the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are solid. In Japan, the members of the Diet are incompetent, so "as desired" of the "Abe administration". The same applies to measures against corona.

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

The United States has finally noticed.
Pompeo US Secretary of State criticized the "Xi Jinping Mr.".
"He is a follower of totalitarianism."
I think he's an "authoritarian," too.
Both Trump and Abe have become "authoritarian".
"Authoritarianism" is the "antagonism" of "democracy".
The US is okay because the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are solid.
In Japan, the members of the Diet are incompetent, 
so "as desired" of the "Abe administration". 
The same applies to measures against corona.


2020-07-28 Dear Sir,
WHO should publish the rate of infected persons against the "PCR test rate for all citizens." 
The number of infected people in Japan is low because the "number of PCR tests" is small. 
The Japanese government started by excluding Tokyo from the “GO TO Campaign”, 
but many have pointed out that “infection” will spread. 
Until each country can provide the corona vaccine, 
it is necessary to thoroughly carry out “PCR tests” 
and “wear corona countermeasure masks” and promote economic activities “carefully”.

Part 1. The "GoTo Campaign", which includes a total of 1.7 trillion yen 
in the first supplementary budget for FY2020.
Among them, the pros and cons were divided about starting the "GoTo Travel Campaign" 
from July 22 to assist consumers who purchased travel products during the period for half the price

Given that the inbound foreign tourists could not expect it for the time being, 
the travel and tourism industry, whose income has dropped sharply, 
would like to motivate domestic travel to trigger a revival. 
In response to strong demand from the industry, 
the government decided to start the campaign starting in August ahead of schedule 
in the form of removing Tokyo.
The administration of the Abe Cabinet is based on the dissolution of the general election.
The term of the House of Representatives is until October 2021. By then, 
a general election must be held.
On the other hand, the fiscal 2020 budget is effective until the end of March 2021, 
and the GoTo campaign also bears in mind budget execution up to that point.

The budget is also a means for the Cabinet to raise the "rate of support".
The special fixed amount benefit, 
which is included in the supplementary budget for FY2020, is 100,000 yen per person, 
and the sustaining benefit, which is up to 2 million yen for businesses whose business income is halved, 
is already in the budget. Is executing.

Is this a "contribution to the rise" in the "support rate"?
It took some time to complete the payment procedure.
The process of outsourcing was unclear.
On the contrary, there is also the aspect that pushed down the "rate of support".

As the “Go To” campaign may spread virus infection and damage the lives and health of the people,
On the 16th, residents of Tokyo and Tochigi Prefecture filed a tentative disposition 
with the Tokyo District Court to suspend the business.

It seems that both Japan and the United States have failed in "corona countermeasures".
As it is, President Trump cannot be reelected.
If this situation continues, the Abe administration will not be able to continue casting.
Economic policies should be carried out based on "with corona".
Until the "Corona Vaccine" is provided, we should concentrate on safe economic activities 
that do not spread the infection.

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 
for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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